
Oh for fuck’s sake.  You anti-vaxxers are loons.

And if The Simpsons had ended after season 10...

Davidson and Mooney will have relatively little impact, but McKinnon and Bryant have been at the core of the show for a long, long time and their absence is going to be felt.

Before this interview, did her PR rep tell you to “not ask questions about Scientology, or her ongoing complicity in a fraudulent cult?”

Still has a lot of thetans left to get rid of. Gonna take hundreds of thousands of dollars more.

Well, she isn’t levitating yet. She might be telekinetic though.

No thanks, I’m trying to quit.


The Cousins had what appeared to be a fireman’s axe.

Every so often I’m like “wait, what year is it?”

I met her, she had zero reason to talk to me or be nice, since I met her while working at Trader Joe’s.

for my money the greatest simpsons episode of all time. 

Technically Bart, Millhouse, Martin, and Nelson didn’t steal a car, they just illegally rented one with a fake ID.

The actor playing young Kim was great. She had that sharp‐eyed glare down pat.

You seem to have misread the comment you’re replying to.

Look, I’ve hesitated to bring this up in the past, but you are very bad poster, and also not a very good reader. Pick one response you want to make and move on.

Been saying this for years

Or maybe she means it in the way that nobody has ever really met John Krasinski because there’s nothing under the surface there. There’s nothing behind his eyes.

I will never understand why, of any piece of culture from the 1990s and 2000s, Friends and the Office are the two things I see gifs of and references to every single day on social media. I've even spent insomniac nights clicking 'not interested' over and over and over, they're still inescapable. There are such better

He looked *exactly* like his character in Hawkeye. So much so that I have to assume the shows were filming concurrently (which also explains our lack of on-screen Lalo thus far.)