
If Ignatiy came back, I'd genuinely crack open a wine bottle.  Same with Caroline.

That you, Jessica?

i’m dying laughing at you defending this like your life is on the line.

perhaps they can also go on a side-quest to find Sally Hawkins

I think the Black Keys are tools, so I wasn’t sorry this happened to them.  The main thing that backed this up for me here is that they didn’t come out and admit it.  But, it’s possible that was because of their management and PR team responding to make it sound like it wasn’t as bad as it is...but now that those guys

How come nobody talk about the nepo-baby farmers!!!

I don’t know what makes it this way for me (probably just habit now) but The Bear is one show I like as a full-season drop. I know I’ll get through it, but I’ll do it at my own pace. It’s bingeable, but sometimes the emotional heft makes small, spaced-out bites nice. And because it’s so good it remains in the

I know there is no copy editing around here, but that headline does not make sense.

THANK YOU! I thought that in the first trailer.

It’s killing me that none of the reviews I’ve seen so far mention Foster’s, a great show that pulled off all the things this film apparently fails to do.

This movie had some of the strangest marketing I’ve ever seen. Every TV spot I’ve seen for it is this weird behind the scenes thing that showcases all the voice actors, with split screen clips of them in the studio alongside their characters, and Krasinksi basically doing what Cruise did at the beginning of Maverick,

Krasinksi has somehow leveraged “enjoyable everyman” into “why doesn’t he just fuck off” so seamlessly you’d think it was on purpose 

I had a feeling this might suck based on how heavily it was being advertised to get everyone in the seats before word of mouth tanked it and Inside Out 2 and Garfield kicked it out of theaters. The marketing pushing every recognizable name in what looks like a single scene of celebrity cameos doing the “outraged cute

Or an Inside Out spinoff?

Spot on. Screenwriting is exceptionally difficult even on its own, let alone if one is also directing. There is a reason why you don’t see many solo credit screenwriters, and even those directors who are renowned as writers - Billy Wilder, Orson Welles, Woody Allen, Quentin Tarantino- often had collaborators, and when

Isn’t this just a more boring version of Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends?

That tidbit on the AQP script finally makes everything make sense.

Nothing good ever happens when two self-aggrandizing white dudes get together to make something.

Thank you, I’m a big fan of the real A Quiet Place writers. Though 65 was just ok. Krasinski likes to soak up all the credit for a script that he probably just did some punch up on.

If y’all are doing a week of Parks retrospectives, I hope there’s an article on the completely stacked writers room. Having Chelsea Peretti, Joe Mande, Harris Wittels (rip), and Megan Amram on the same writing team was lightning in a bottle.