
I agree with you about this being a show I’m okay with releasing all at once. I’ll always prefer the excitement and anticipation of a new episode every week (e.g. I miss Mad Men), but the Christmas episode in S2 was definitely something I could only watch in small batches over the course of many days for reasons you

Between that and using his Office friends during a pandemic to create a show for financial gain was very off-putting to me. 

He said we should cherish and thank the CIA everyday.

The Trial of Leslie Knope and then Citizen Knope also provided very nice heartwarming and memorable moments. At the end of Citizen Knope, when everyone reveals the model of city hall and bands behind Leslie for her election run, I get misty every time.

The best movie experience I ever had was watching Interstellar in IMAX 70mm at the TCL opening weekend with a packed house. Would do almost anything to re-live that experience.

I’ll “old man yells at cloud” about this until the day I die. 

But on the flip side, what you’re saying Margot did in Barbie, Emma Stone did the same thing for La La Land. And not only did Emma get nominated, she beat many others who were more deserving, including Amy Adams who didn’t even get nominated.

Amy Adams for Arrival. Yes, I’m still mad about that. Margot being snubbed is very similar. Both carried their movies, although Amy more so since she was pretty much in every scene of an outstanding movie.

It also gets me misty. The strings and the drum beats hit especially deep in moments like that. I like how the Fargo theme can be used in practically any kind of scene: tragic, happy, melancholy.

I haven’t punched a table or refrigerator, but I’ve been guilty of doing what Munch told Gator. I’ve back-talked to a coffee table or two over the years. 

Karen remained a Karen until the very end. After Roy killed her dad and then intended to kill her, the glaring face of hatred she gave to Dot while she was being arrested showed not one ounce of remorse. Hopefully Lorraine is working behind the scenes to make her suffer in an orange suit as well. 

The Fargo theme playing over Munch eating the biscuit and closing the season was *chef’s kiss*

I liked Dot telling Munch: “That’d be like getting mad at the table you stub your toe on.” Because it was very much a “Munch-ism.” I immediately thought of the line Munch told to Gator earlier in the season about how “you don’t yell at the boulder for being a rock.

It almost looks like the same room where Lorraine verbally beat down Roy and called him a baby. But I could be wrong. The arm clinking Munch’s soda bottle looks like it could be Wayne’s. It looks like a man’s arm to me and I feel like Wink is eliminated because he would be drinking a gimlet lol.

The image of the face is creepy!

Maybe “Just in case” about leaving the lights on is for Roy to possibly need them on later for an escape should he need it.

I also wonder why they have used that piece this season in the instances that they did. In S3 it obviously made sense since we saw Wrench sitting next to Nikki after the music started. But I don’t know if there’s supposed to be a significance to its usage in this season.

I’m curious to see if this happens too. If they do bring back any characters from prior seasons, I don’t want it to be forced and just “because” they can. i.e. Sometimes in Better Call Saul, the revisits of Breaking Bad characters felt like they did it just to be cheeky rather than to add anything to the story.

He can be her new right-hand man (RIP Danish). I want to know who Munch clinks the bottle of orange soda with in the trailer for the finale.

Like RobGrizzly, I also thought it was some piece of metal dog tag! And that Dot was being her resourceful self and was going to use it to her advantage somehow. Similar to how she got herself freed from the handcuffs.

Oh right, I forgot that that grave was where they also put the “others.”