
The thing I’ve always wondered is whether AMC has financial incentive to create two halves of a single season vs two seasons. Like maybe the cast and crew would be due raises if these shows got an extra season.

At least it’s not an entire year like we had with Breaking Bad and Mad Men. A few weeks is nothing compared to that. 

Compare the look on his face when he realized he might have to kill the Mrs. to how he handled the situation at the Travel Wire. I think the attack on his house has tempered Lalo's sociopathy, if only slightly. 

We’ll add “Tony Dalton in a suit” to the list of things I didn’t know I needed. I know she’s still doing the widow’s walk, but Mrs. Werner’s got better will power than me. I would’ve just called in sick.

I just always bask in this show delivering us the unexpected. Howard Hamlin in a boxing ring? Lalo in undercover spy mode? This stuff brings such delight.

I think you’re right. We’ve pretty much only seen Howard in work-mode, and he clearly works very hard to keep his family’s business a success, despite countless setbacks over the course of the series, many of which were caused by Jimmy and/or Kim. Now that we know he’s also got a closed-off wife at home, this

I think we’re meant to feel that way. Howard didn’t treat her well when she was at HHM but he was very generous and professional when she left. I think since she went all-in on Jimmy, she has to keep Howard a villain in her own mind to deal with the guilt she might feel over how she was able to secure Mesa Verde as a

I’m not sure I really get Kim’s mentality this season. I’ve understood it in past seasons, she clearly gets excitement out of the schemes and she also justifies taking advantage of bad people as a step towards helping the poor and unfortunate folks eaten up by the system.

I think Ms. Seehorn’s direction may have tricked both the reviewer and most viewers, because Howard mentioning his wife is purposely played as something insignificant in the opening scene and it only gets a passing mention in this review. However, I’m pretty sure this is the first time we find out that Howard actually

Really not digging the destruction of Howard. It’s just mean-spirited.

My gut feeling since season 1 has always been that Kim doesn’t die, but I also have never bought into the notion that she’s hanging just off camera throughout Breaking Bad. Especially given what’s unfolded this season and last, my guess is that she has to skip town for some yet unforseen reason (maybe involving their

Hard for me to buy Jimmy continuing his jovial clown persona from BrBa if Kim is murdered due to his actions in BCS. Gotta think that would certainly crush his spirit.

I felt like Mike’s “You’re made of sterner stuff” was foreshadowing, I just can’t decide what it was foreshadowing.

“what is a Disney+ TV show if not a two-hour film with four or six additional hours tacked on needlessly?”

I enjoyed The Office while it was on and had it on a lot as background noise during the pandemic/birth of my first child, but I am personally beginning to feel like it’s reaching the over-saturation point. Everyone else’s mileage may vary and I respect that. But for myself, having seen almost every episode until

*sigh* Fiiiiine, I’ll do it. Could hardly be worse than the Trank one.

I still want a Bill Hader/Amy Poehler/Jonah Hill/SomeGuyAsJohnny FF series

Yeah, they’re open to everybody’s money!

Shoulda kept not talking about it...

Because she wants to hide the fact that she’s in an extremist cult from people who don’t know it.