
You admit you dont follow him yet you feel he shouldn’t even be allowed there?

Depending on how close the current Lakers organization is with this, it’s pretty fucked. Jerry West is one of those guys that’s a class act who came from nothing in West Virginia to become the logo for the league.

Wow, Kim has gone off the deep end. I mean, those people were ripping others off, but she had no compassion at all. Even Jimmy was disturbed, lol.

Doing the math, it’s now 1975. Sally is a script superviser on Jaws when, getting stoned in her motel room with Murray Hamilton, she sees a TV report about the Simbianese Liberation Army and recognizes Glen among the group. Meanwhile, Don becomes consumed with the Betamax account. “People will forget VHS even

Upvoted for “gormless”. Awesome.

You like him? I just see a gormless, personality-free collection of skin and muscle wandering around looking confused. But each to their own.

Remember when he formally asked for a pardon b/c his record was getting in the way of opening burger restaurants, and also would have prohibited him from becoming “more active in law enforcement activities”? Accountability! 

Why are you talking to this violent, racist piece of shit 

Marks Mark is as watchable as paint drying. 

Some shows are better binged, but this for sure is not one of them.  You NEED that time between episodes to really absorb that shit.

Some shows we like to binge through but not this one. Good luck getting out of greys.

I hate Netflix for introducing the “drop the entire season” method. It seems so inelegant and spurs spoilers for those who watch the entire thing in a day or two.

To paraphrase Lawrence Walsh, “Forget it, folks, it’s Boston....”

Nacho! My poor bad-choices baby.

One of the great things about the show(and Patrick Fabian’s acting)  is that initially Howard comes across as generic high powered, rich lawyer asshole , when its gradually revealed that he’s a lot more than that and as you said a truly good guy.

Howard has become one of my favorite characters on the show upon rewatch, because you realize he has always been the most decent main character on the show the whole time

Do the producers of father stu have dirt on you guys or something

wow “Mark Wahlberg + hate crimes” yields a lot of google results

Here I thought the “being accountable” part was going to be about him being held accountable for his hate crime where he was charged with attempted murder of a Vietnamese man!

This is my favorite show when it’s airing ... I’m glad it isn’t streaming so I have a chance to savor and anticipate each episode.