
Dean Winters is criminally underrated.

Are we just supposed to forget that Mel Gibson and Marky Mark are both gigantic shitbirds?

Jesus, this comment section is already super toxic. Also, I just came here to say Fuck Mark Wahlberg.

Aw, the guy who pelted rocks at Black children while shouting “kill the n*****s” and partially blinded a Vietnamese man while robbing his convenient store is teaming up with the “Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world” guy to make an inspirational movie about the Catholic Church. How nice.

No word of this criminal mastermind?

I think fans of Malcolm in the Middle were already very aware that Bryan Cranston can act. Emmy nominated three times for his outstanding portrayal of Hal.

Cooking with Lalo

I’m curious about this reflexive urge so many internet commenters have to equate any kind of enthusiasm or decisive statement as unearned bravery. Why do you say this? Why do you say, “Wow, it’s so brave,” when, like, nobody implied that? He’s doing publicity for a movie he’s in, someone asked if he’d do an Indiana

Will Smith, the Dodgers’ catcher.

I was going to say what about Spirited Away, and then realised it won Best Animated Feature over 20 years ago.  :O

Now this right here is how you do it.  Full tilt, no filter, bat shit crazy on a tear for a solid hour.  Just awesome.  I could watch this video on a loop.

Want a meaningful quote for every moment of your life?

Exactly. I haven’t watched Fallon since this pattycake Trump interview, and I found this article obnoxious.

For context, if anyone missed it, this quote is from Pedro Almodóvar’s Oscars diary, it’s on IndieWire and it’s a fun read!

Haven’t you heard? Punching is soooo last year. It’s all about the slap nowadays.

I didn't know Denzel Washington was an actual crazy person 

Jimmy Fallon is the Chris Pratt of the Jay Lenos.

Somehow, he sounds crazier than Will Smith.

To quote Almodóvar: The devil, in fact, doesn’t exist.

Ah, the magic of April Fools: That whimsical day when two very rich white guys named Jimmy can swap their nationally broadcast TV shows, producing minimally different episodes than they might otherwise have produced!