
Christ, anyone who thought Marky Mark should be the Crow should be fired into the sun.

It also proves that it was nothing but crocodile tears for himself during his speech. If he felt actual remorse, he’d have left.

I love the smaller stage and seating area, i would welcome this as a permanent change.

I’ll be watching this. I lived in LA in the 70s and early 80s and loved it there. Was a huge Lakers fan and watched all there games. Then in 83 we moved to Boston. One of the best nights of my life was watching Game 7, 1985 in the Garden. Sweet vindication.

Hot take: First season of Better Call Saul was better than the first season of Breaking Bad, and it kept that trajectory for each subsequent season.

When it was announced that Better Call Saul was going to tell the story of Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad, I said out loud to no one in particular “this is going to be dumb”. And now, it’s equal (ok 49/51) to Breaking Bad in my I may not be the best person to judge this reboot.

Let’s start all over. Kidman, you make the documentary, Poehler, you star in the biopic.

I refuse to watch this because Lucille Ball doesn’t look enough like Nicole Kidman.

Have you seen Robert Pattinson in any non-Twilight movies?

A lot of stories about the early days of TV show that without some lucky breaks, there would be very few classic shows that we could still see. There is the story about Terry Jones getting the call from a friend at the BBC saying “Hey, they are going to erase and reuse the tapes for the first two Monty Python series,

they chose to shoot on film for practical reasons, so they could produce the show in California at a time when nearly all primetime network television was being broadcast live out of studios in New York. That one business decision paid lasting dividends, allowing for lucrative syndication deals for the I Love Lucy

For fans of this show that may wonder if the Principal role is a comedic exaggeration. NO! the principal in that show is spot on accurate and not and exaggeration at all.  

I think Parks & Rec basically did the same thing as far as mimicking a mockumentary instead of actually being one like The Office.

Ah, yes, it revives the antiquated sitcom mockumentary, a genre which has lain dormant ever since Modern Family went off the air way back in...[checks notes]...2020.

Anyone that calls 90s rap “music” with quotes is a cliche. Forgive me if my intentional generalization of your hot take rubs you the wrong way.

Oh wait, no, I mean “forgive me”.

Gen X may never get a president, but we finally got a half time show.

Consensus seems to be they secured #2 all time best halftime performance.

that was really amazing all around! Mary J especially had me getting emotional!

“If you were any other woman I'd be so turned on right now"

I love the Kim Jong Il bit at the end ‘What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year?’