
Was that movie you like called Volver? It takes place in Madrid. Penelope Cruz plays a woman who, along with her sister, is grieving their mother’s passing (more Ghosts!). She also takes over a friend’s restaurant business. I experienced a new appreciation for her work after that film, also.

This interview is less about showing empathy and more about covering his ass against lawsuits.  

If he let go of the hammer and it immediately went off, then he didn’t actually cock the gun.

Also, he shot someone.  Even if it’s not technically his fault, you’d think a vaguely empathetic human being would feel SOME guilt over pointing a gun at someone and then shooting them.

Nah, the Emmys don’t like dumb birds very much.

Why does your site keep using slideshow formats when the majority of your viewers hate it?

They are also doubling the frame rate to 24 per second for this one. I’m not sure why this is news since they have been working on this for half a decade, but, man, any attention Miyazaki gets is deserved and I am looking forward to this movie.

Miyazaki is one of those guys who works because he never learnt how to relax. He’s gonna die with a pencil in his hand.

For every step Miyazaki takes animation forward, Disney and Pixar take one back.

UPDATE: And we’re hearing now that Brian Cox’s older brother will be played by Vin Diesel. When contacted for comment, Diesel would only remark: “FAMBLY.”

First, fuck Mel Gibson and everyone giving him roles. Must suck for him to be “cancelled”

Lethal weapon 1-3 are good movies, but Mel Gibson has repeatedly shown himself to be an irredeemable shithead. He needs to fall in a well

resting amicable dumb face.

This is delightful. I think Kimmel’s a much better sport and more willing to go with this (assuming he wasn’t in on it) than Fallon, who I am thrilled to see look completely lost and confused. 

Well golly, this guy sure seems nice.

I can’t believe they’re on a team with him and don’t know what he’s like though, especially being married to that woods witch actress. I know which of my coworkers have avoided the vaccine just from either their known political leanings or casual IMs, and we’re all working from home. 

Agreed. I wish he’d do more of a mix of stuff. Enemy is by far my favorite of his and I don't see him making anything like that in a long time, if ever

“Denis, we think you’d be perfect for our upcoming film about the Earl of Sand...”

He likes sand. It’s fine and smooth , and soothing, and it doesn’t get everywhere.