
To profit!  The cause of and solution to all of life’s problems.  

The Academy sure did heyooooo

Unless you’re a woman in a flashback, in which case you’re required to wear a terrible wig so as to establish that hairstyles were different 10+ years ago.

That’s true and it is why I don’t listen to music while walking the dog - already too many things to pay attention to. But there’s plenty of blame to go around. As a frequent pedestrian I see plenty of drivers looking at their phones or barely slowing down for stop signs, right turns on red, or when entering/exiting

As a city dweller too, I fear greatly for pedestrians, who I often see completely oblivious to what is going on...earbuds in ears, or gaze down toward phone. Had I not been looking out as a driver, there are easily a half dozen times where I would’ve hit someone, because they crossed against the light, or were

I didn’t follow the Mulaney/wife guy relationship dynamic super closely outside of his standup and I’m not a celeb goss person in general. But my only prevailing thought is holy FUCK do I feel terrible for Mulaney’s ex wife. To have your famous husband who paraded your supposedly blissful (and childfree) marriage

I feel like this being treated differently because we all generally like JM and think his work is good. Which, I agree with.

Well then maybe he shouldn’t be bringing it up on late night television show hosted by his friend by anointing Munn as some kind of savior during his dark days that make his wife sound like she was completely checked out and uncaring. While the addiction and rehab are real the narrative seems to be addiction = wife,

You can think this dude is funny, talented and trying his best. But he is also a douche bag. This dude is pulling a “Phoenix rising from the ashes” story line after dumping his wife and immediately knocking up the next thing that blinked at him. The same ex wife he praised for supporting him through his prior issues

Except he kind of made it our business by making it part of his act. It wasn’t like his private life wasn’t relevant to his persona the way it is with some celebrities. I don’t think I can listen to his famous cow-farmer monologue about marriage with any enjoyment anymore than I can enjoy Bill Cosby’s on parenting.

Mulaney praised his partner for taking him on at his post-rehab shakiest. “She held my hand through that hell,” said Mulaney,

I’m still reeling from this one.  Addiction is a daily struggle, I hit 25 years clean this past June and still there are times I struggle with it.  

I saw his name trending on twitter, and figured I was going to see a lot of Denzel gifs, but this was one of those horrifying times when I would have preferred seeing that overused meme.

I heard the news, and yelled “NO!” This is absolutely heartbreaking. He remains one of my favorite actors ever. So much great work, and decades more that he would have given. 

Well that’s because it’s not primarily about her forming an interpersonal connection with just the aliens. It’s about the way humans clash over their own experience of language and culture. They believe they understand what the aliens are saying (but they don’t), the believe they understand what the other countries

Yeah, I wasn’t talking about the Sapir Whorf hypothesis narrowly. At all. The theme of the movie is language and connection. Which is layered within the actual structure of the movie in which the language of cinema is used to “trick” the audience into assuming something is happening over the course of the story when

I’m not sure how the melodrama in Arrival was “cloying” or melodramatic for that matter. Seemed pretty human and sincere to me. And I particularly enjoyed that he used the language of film melodrama as part of the misdirection/messaging regarding how language works in general.

Same with the Spy trailer. I needed something to watch on a plane, I hate the trailers thinking it was gonna be one long fat-joke at Melissa McCarthy’s expense and HOLY SHIT was that movie hilarious and hilariously-subverting.

they totally missed the boat on ‘arrival’ as well..