
I really want a 30 Rock podcast with Tina and some of the head writers. There are so many jokes that I would love to hear the origins of

Why does God keep taunting us by infecting the worst among us and then letting them recover through their wealth? 

The kid’s going places. Not college, but places.

Though he seems to do this constantly...

Hey! Wait! I filed a dumb complaint.”

Oh for the sake of fuck.

That show is a fucking documentary if you’ve ever worked in local government.

The GE Tri-vection Oven—- oh...

I have never prayed harder for a reboot to never happen since... I don’t know, probably Back To The Future.

Pass.  I’d much rather have a Parks and Rec revival.  

I’m sure NBC would love to reboot The Office. Or Friends.

Use the original scripts,  but replace the actors with Muppets.  

Well then no one is an anti-vaxer, since they’re usually smart enough to start out with the words “I’m not an anti-vaxer, but...”

Yes. That was precisely the point I was making. People who aren’t anti-vax don’t tend to have to put out statements clarifying that they aren’t anti-vax. Cause getting vaccines and not saying weird anti-vax stuff handles that for you.

That’s fine if that what it means to you.

Now to the part where she shills for snake oil “brain supplements.”

She’s a slut-shamer and she spreads pseudoscience. There should be no place for her on Jeopardy.

Well, I started watching in 2010 ... I also stopped watching in 2010, though. One brief skim a few years later didn't change my mind.

From a creative standpoint, it’s a great decision and I’m looking forward to the result. Blade Runner 2049 wasn’t perfect, but I loved it and I’m glad that it existed.