
Is his heart-related incident that he loves too much?

Disney couldn’t find a way to treat black people respectfully, so they moved the story to another continent 6,000 miles away. And just to show they’re truly woke, they made up a fake story about environmentalism. (No, not the cinchona tree. Something that doesn’t exist!)

The accelerated trajectory this relationship is on is disturbing.  For both parties. 

That’ll do.

Isn’t that every Villeneuve film though, beautiful look in a dull, not in a rush way.

Ummmm... where’s the pug?

Shitty headline. Do better.

I’m with you. This movie is still number one on my list of upcoming movies, but I’m not really seeing anything too terribly distinctive in this trailer. Even if the images are cool to see, they’re really straight down the middle. The score, at least what they used for the trailer, is likewise generic. So, as

Hot take- It looks dark, gritty and moody in a way that may be beautiful, but also boring? I’ve read the book and enjoyed it and this really should be something I would be excited for genre wise. Yet after watching both trailers I still have very little excitement. I keep thinking it’s going to be lovely and obviously

I asked the dog. He said, “Hellboy sucked."

To be fair, we should find out what the dog has to say about David Harbour

SpaceBros are people too. Loathsome, awful people.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why normies are cheering on a billionaire taking a glorified plane ride.

I’ve just learned to ignore them and not give them any attention. Makes the discussions on these articles easier

“Won’t someone think of the dick waving SpaceBro billionaires?” ask a surprising number of AV Club commenters.

Why is opening space up to civilians* a) important and b) good? What is being achieved here? I keep asking this of people and I never get an answer beyond vague assurances about the march of progress and technological achievement. Almost like it’s an article of faith.

Because it’s entirely pointless and every single one is a vanity project costing billions.

They don't care about you either

This explains why he’s been wearing nothing but a barrel with suspenders since Avatar came out.