
Bill and Jason left the season after her (sadly Jason never really did get much of an exit, I guess because he was never sure whether he was going). Andy Samberg left when she did. Unfortunately there’s always a bit of awkwardness in that segment because Abby Elliott serves as one of her handmaidens, or whatever, and

Hey, remember when Wiig left and Lorne gave her an emotional send-off, playing She’s a Rainbow and coming out to dance with her, while other all-time greats like Sudekis and Hader stood there smiling politely while it was their last show, too?     Maybe Lorne can do that do Cecily and Keenan while he dances with Kate. 

That’s amazing. Similar vein as Kimmel going on Leno’s show and destroying him..

It’s always hard to know just how much truth there is to the various stories about what a dick Corden is offscreen, but a big insight that maybe lends itself to the truth of that is from the episode of Spill Your Guts with Kimmel that the article mentions. One of Kimmel’s biggest ‘gotcha’ questions to Cordon (and

Disgusting. Who would watch James Corden?

The only foreseeable plus of the new Dune movie bombing would be to speed up Timothee Chalamet’s descent in obscurity.

That may be true, but will say though that Denis Villeneuve is that one director who can pull it off.

Yup, when the smoke is still tendril-like, instead of a homogenous cloud, that means it wasn’t inhaled. Andy on the other hand blew out a big puffy cloud. He clearly inhaled.

Ex-cigarette smoker here... he 10000% did not inhale.

It’s rumoured that the deal that led Disney to buy Pixar included the proviso that the sequels Disney had threatened to make with an outside company (Toy Story 3, Monsters, Inc. 2, Finding Nemo 2) would be stopped and Pixar would get control of the characters back but those sequels would be replaced by Pixar’s own for

Hell, even Tangled.

We’ve seen Pixar do much, much better.

Too many sequels is the primary answer. I love Toy Story as much as the next person but 3 was a good place to leave it. Who cares about the Cars sequels? The Incredibles was perfect why make an unnecessary retread? Monster’s Inc. had heart and Monsters University exists now. Disney wants output regardless of the

Pixar’s films have always been buddy comedies. They have never done a romance. Somehow, Disney Animation thought the best way to diversify their portfolio was to also copy Pixar. So now all their animated films are only buddy comedies as well.

I hated when those types of questions were put on tests in grade school “what was the author trying to convey here” Bitch i don’t know, the guy has been dead for a few hundred years and he never wrote it down, why not ask the real question “what do a few educators on a panel think the author was trying to convey here”

Scanning Rotten Tomatoes, it looks like one of those movies with superficially high scores, but the reviews themselves are like “a pretty ok follow up to a better film...”

Almost like not being an anti-science hack might be an important part of the criteria for the fan community of a show that is based on facts and intellectualism!

It’s still amazing to me that this movie flopped so hard in the theaters. Even ignoring the sequel part of it, it's just a really well made movie.

Mayim “I actually have a PhD, have I told you about it?” Bialik belongs second to last, only above Dr. Oz. She’s an anti-vax sympathizer who is currently doing commercials for some brain health supplement snake oil too.