
Maybe our title wasn’t long and descriptive enough? Kids these days like long titles, like those Lord of the Rings movies.

Dear Mark Wahlberg, in my best Owen Wilson voice:

Is it still going to have people being both badass and dumb-as-shit? The sequel had so much stupidity in it that it became an unintended comedy.

A Quiet Place 3: Seriously, SHHH.

Or even better drop them all in whatever tough Boston neighborhood would eat them alive. I don’t know which neighborhood that would be because like any reasonable person I could not give less of a fuck about Boston.


Can all of the Wahlbergs and all of the Afflecks just get dropped from a small private plane somewhere over the Alaskan wilderness? Polar bears will track humans because, apparently, they are delicious. Grizzlies will mostly just fuck a human up. Still....


Fuck Mark Wahlberg. I love watching movie trailers, especially for action schlock, but I’m not gonna watch this one.

this was really funny to watch but i was REALLY curious to hear Che interview, Kimmel is usually really good at teasing out stories and contexts from his guests, so while Chappelle had me rolling, i was kinda bummed

I just fucking hate seeing talent people waste their time and energies on these projects. Yes, yes, Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther and all that. But those movies are still ultimately product, and the director will always be subservient to the demands of brand synergy and franchisability and the committee of

This is a dumb movie. A 'B-' grade is generous.

The plot, which Krasinski alone devised” shamelessly ripping off Tim Lebbon’s novel The Silence for literally the entire premise of both movies...

I felt compelled to make a Facebook post at the time:

Yeah, it was stupid beyond reason. Just fucking awful.

Nonsense (Perception of reversed cause and effect... something something - Tenet)

“hey there’s this waterfall which basically provides immunity due to being so loud and confusing the monsters but no, let’s settle somewhere else cause.. reason...” such a dumb dumb dumb movie.

The first one was such a profoundly stupid movie. Not even good stupid.

Over and over. And over and over and over and over and over and over.

I don’t understand why people loved the first one so much, aside from lovable actors. It was boring. The logic failed over and over. I thought Birdbox was way better.