
Do you kiss your pimp with that mouth?

Knives Out Too: 2 Many Knives Out

Knives Out Too: We Also Have Our Knives Out.

*Ellen DeGeneres angrily tweets Spike Jonze’s address*

(Am I at fault?)

The first time I saw Jolie, I thought, “Firefighter”.

It’s not illogical. The force with which a disgusting person is presented as an idol generates a proportional force to shatter that idolization. It’s not rocket science.

Just replace Musk with whichever robber baron does manage to get a little bile rising in your throat, and you’ll be good to go.

Musk created PayPal

Do I think that Tesla would’ve been as successful without his boatloads of money? Of course not.

Who the fuck are you to gatekeep what journalism is?

I agree. An opinion piece about Saturday Night Live is not journalism.

So you’re saying that this article is dumb because I’m not angrier about the imaginary Bill Gates episode you just made up?

“It’s not like he got rich running a predatory hedge fund or something.”

Elon Musk did not create either PayPal or Tesla. He just wants you to think he did.

COUNTERPOINT: He’s a (family) capital-backed techbro with a sharp eye for a decent product down the line. He’s just more publicly active. Thassit. I could find you five more examples of people who do the same fucking thing, they just don’t have Twitter accounts or a PR team.

L. Ron Musk is the god-emperor of the neckbeards, and for a good reason. He’s everything that self-declared weird smart kid wishes to be.

It's a shame that the cave diver lost his libel lawsuit against Musk. 

Musk called a man a “pedophile” because he successfully rescued kids stuck in a cave via an ingenious plan whereas Musk’s “solution” would’ve killed them.