
I mean I'd be more concerned with Apple supporting the mistreatment of Chinese workers , but yeah ubisoft.

Now playing

I was kind of meh with the first season. But I’m not comfortable watching the show knowing that it’s made in partnership with Ubisoft, who have a history of abusing their employees and protecting their abusers.

When I think of Paddington I always think of this tweet

I can’t believe that the first time I saw ‘Ratatouille’ I thought, “Yeah, that was okay.” Subsequent rewatches - and there have been many - have convinced me it’s a near-perfect film. As someone who loves to discuss food, has been a semi-professional critic, and believes very much in the idea that greatness can come

LoL he co-hosted The Man Show with Adam Carola. It was a lot of low brow and frankly misogynistic bits. One of the most (in)famous was ‘girls on trampolines’. I have to say, I was a senior male in high school when the show premiered and was a fan. Then again, I was a senior male in high school. There’s an argument to

Counterpoint: this douchey show sucked and his using the term PC invalidates his opinion 

Also, if you lock your pet in a cage for a few hours while you are out of the house, the pet likes it and nobody calls child protective services.

Huh. Every pot has a lid. Dog edition.

i had to send this to a friend that has one of these... :D

The name order debate has been going on for years (maybe decades) in Western media, but just last year the Japanese Minister of Defense asked that all Japanese names be written FAMILY NAME personal name in the West. Some outlets have begun to adopt this. Others had already been doing it. So if there were any year to

Certainly odd to give some people three seconds, which seemed appropriate and then speed through others. Feels dismissive and even though I can’t imagine that’s what they were going for it’s tone deaf that they wouldn’t have thought of that. Meanwhile speeches just went on and on and on an on. We turned it off after a

40 slides? Fuck that.

That’s Japanese convention, last name first.  I assumed that’s what they were going for.

The pacing was bizarre. Some people were on just long enough that you could take in the picture and the name, some people went by so fast that you couldn’t do both (I didn’t catch Kelly Preston, for example, until I re-watched it at half-speed). What a strange, disrespectful choice. 

The In Memoriam section was horrifying. Soo fucking fast and, sure, maybe you were trying to do something new than the usual melacholic ballads, but the zippy, up-tempo music (can’t remember the song, sorry) was also an appallingly awful choice.

To be clear, when they did a customer breakdown of Tesla it’s basically popular for two reasons:  It’s an actually nice EV with good range and quality materials and it’s EXPENSIVE.  That’s it.  The eco angle only mattered to Tesla for about a year or two when they first started out and once the Model 3 really hit the

That’s right, you don’t know.  His opposition to unionization, his efforts to undermine social equality, and his long track-record of just being a shitty technocrat isn’t really that amazing.  I kind of want to point out here that in the comics Tony Stark was an inventor who made the most breakthroughs for his

And hairplugs. And jaw surgery.

It’s a bit more than that, but yes his image would be much improved to me if he’d just shut the fuck up once in a while - particularly on Twitter.

I get it- Musk IS a funny guy if by funny you mean unhinged Twitter posts, video act libertarian views, namer of children, and consistent disrupting of things by spending billions dollar’s to  build the exact same thing as what he’s disrupting