
I am quite glad AV Club writers dislike him. Anyone reasonable would.

Do a sketch about the emerald mines

Raised hand

Well this is gross. 

And a flaming car crash

That’s funnier than anything that’ll be in that episode.

Seems like a good fit. Everyone says the show is on autopilot now. 

The movie is set in 2008, so if he spent the years between 2008 & 2017 obsessively betting on the Eagles, yeesh.

Oof, right? You are not wrong. Amy Adams is beginning to suffer from Glenn Close effect.

Thanks! That’s what I get for not double-checking via Wikipedia. :-)

“This is Mulligan’s third nomination and she’s only in her 30s?”

My two cents on Best Actress & Original Screenplay:

This. it’s cheap, consistent, and tasty. It’s not the best. I’ve found many people, on the subject of in-n-out dont’ get it because they are talking past each other. People are often asking “what’s the best burger.” Hell that’s likely $30+ at some restaurant with the best ingredients. In-n-out is fast food. It’s

Okay, I wanna see “The Sopranos but Star Wars” show right Goddamn NOW!!!!

She was fine in Solo. Maybe because I’m trained now to expect every single plot thread to get wrapped up, or because I’m rooting for Emilia Clarke’s post GoT career, but it’s stuck in the back of my head that her scheme with Maul is left hanging. Maybe the Obi Wan series can do flashback arcs where these things get

Despite the long lines, people also like the service. The people work hard to make the experience pleasant. You can tell they aren’t miserable wage slaves that fantasize about strangling customers. The food is of consistent quality no matter how busy it gets.

The price point, it’s a quality burger that’s better than any other fast food joint for the same or lower price. There are better burgers, but you’re going to pay more, and not just a little more, quite a bit more.

I find the beef bland at Five Guys.  Now, if someone wants to build a Five Guys next to a Culver’s then I can finally have great fries with my butterburger.  Culver’s fries are only a little better than In-N-Out.

As far as I’m concerned, this is a perfect movie up to the crew’s return from the ghost ship. I have to disagree, Dowd, that there’s anything particularly exciting or scary about the final act. You can practically feel Danny Boyle ripping the steering wheel from Alex Garland’s hands. And that “nightmarish blur” felt

Can’t wait to see what shenanigans new equipment manager Rickety Cricket gets up to!