
I worked at the Arclight Hollywood in 2012/2013, and as a film fan it was such a cool experience. Got to meet about every famous actor and filmmaker you could think of, saw so many movies for free, and worked with a ton of awesome people. A few stray memories:

While it would be great if Quentin Tarantino could rally a consortium of investors and take over like the New Beverly Theater, getting the involvement of other directors and producers, it would not surprise me if Netflix or someone like it would purchase the leases.

I like that at CNN, the headline for DMX’s passing is above the passing of Prince Phillip. I’ll take a rapper who clawed his way up who struggled and became an artist who spoke truth and poetry, over a fucking royal who had everything handed to him.  DMX was given half as much time, but did so much more.  

This is one of my favourite topics to discuss and there are literally hundreds I could pick. Tarantino and Scorsese are probably still the kings of the needle drop. For Tarantino, I don’t think there’s a more thrilling moment in his filmography than the opening note of Miserlou kicking in over the opening credits of

This also doesn’t account for the number of people who “finished” the movie in that they fell asleep while it was running.

He should smile more. He’d be more attractive if he smiled.


yeh, who exactly is SNL’s demographic these days?

This was the episode where I realized that I’ve just aged out of SNL’s audience. I love Maya but nothing on this ep landed for me.

Hanks but no Hanks.

She seemed so effortless in the way she captured the complete cluelessness of the very rich, when of course we all know that one banana really only costs eight or nine dollars.

They don’t even allow you to have bees in there. 

I just love that she was sublime and more than held her own among the talent at Arrested Development.

RIP to the greatest eye roller to ever grace our screens.

“I don’t understand the question and I won’t respond to it.”

I’ll take a little bit of solace in knowing she passed at home, instead of in some bar-less hospital…

RIP. 80 feels too soon for such an amazing actress.

Speaking as a man, I can’t tell you how easy it is to not be accused of being a creep.

Step one: don’t be a creep.

Middleditch? More like last ditch, amirite?!

*puts on full body armour*