
Always Sunny has a scene for every occasion.

and do roids. lots and lots of roids

Jesus the Kumail/Marvel stans are on a hair trigger...did a literal Bat Signal go up when his honor was besmirched 

In fairness to the Simpsons...the AV Club doesn’t really cover ANYTHING, anymore.

Look the question isn’t “why doesn’t AV Club cover The Simpsons anymore?” because that’s fucking obvious. The real question is “why does AV Club still cover Saturday Night Live?”

She calls it a mayonegg. 

You mean Egg?


For half a sec I thought they were hosting together, and I actually like that idea; two celebrities who have nothing to do with each other doing dual hosting. 

Every time a trailer for this drops (the one from the other day says “trailer 2,” but I swear there have been like twenty), the Snyder fanboys on reddit say “I dunno, this just looks fun,” and to me it just looks like homework.

My one hope for all of this: I never have to hear about the fucking Snyder Cut again. I generally try not to yuck other people’s yum. I get that Snyder’s style is not appealing to me and that’s fine. Enjoy what you enjoy.

But damnit I am tired of hearing about this fucking thing.

Was it Marvel? Or was it SOROS?

Well three random people on twitter said it was actually really good so clearly you’re being paid by Marvel for some reason

even though a theater is, objectively, a pretty awful place to be if you’re trying to avoid breathing in another human’s lung crud.

Yeah... a little cringey. I’m sure he’s a nice guy but that picture makes him look like a douchey “bad boy”.

Some other equally bold predictions:

Shut up, Grimey.

Well, after 32 years, their mortgage has probably been paid off, he’s had the same car since the 80s, his kids go to public school, he’s never going to have to pay for college tuition, and his only family vacations come in the form of road trips and contest prizes. The real lede here is that Homer is the kind of