
They’re going to write in Mike had the Benjamin Buttons diease.  

Poor Johnathan Banks is gonna look like a skeleton compared to when Mike debuted.

And I thought the wait between seasons 4 and 5 was long...

Next up: Consistent and Undeserved Emmy snubs.” -- Jimmy Kimmel

Wow, so when Better Call Saul finally catches up to the Breaking Bad timeline, Odenikirk’s gonna be almost 20 years older than when Saul debuted on BB. They should have Jimmy get a facelift in the very last episode of BCS.

It is a great show when something actual happens. Also, Kim is a great example of how to write a strong powerful woman character without the Mary Sue and SJW powers. Hopefully they will use the extra time to trim some of the unnecessary filler from the run time. I do not need to see Mike traveling in a van for 10

Fuuuuuck. This is the most disappointing news from a TV show that I have been smacked with since Ted married Aunt Robin.

So in terms of 2021 Emmy consideration, Rhea Seehorn will have exactly the same effect on voters as she does when there’s a broadcast season.

Before or after the hand transplant?



Good news for everyone who wanted Jon Hamm to play Superman - he’s the star of the film.

At one point, they shoot a rectal exam from the rectum’s perspective. It may be the defining image of a film so far up its own ass.”

Once you hear that Chris Hemsworth...

Annie Murphy is fed up in the official trailer for AMC’s Kevin Can F**k Himself

Hes too much of a creep in real life to make him being a creep in movies funny. 

Eh, those people are alright, but not exceptional. And I hate Fred Armisen.

I mean, the cast look great and all, but ... no.

I love Julia Ormond. As a little girl in the 90s I thought she was the most beautiful and romantic actress in the world. I watched Legend of the Fall, First Knight and Sabrina over and over again. I was very happy when she joined Mad Men for the later seasons. 

Why does Robert Downey Jr think he can do one? Americans doing Australians come up sounding like South Airfricans.

With a good director, on a good movie, every little detail is considered and adds something to the story. Most of it won’t be consciously noticed, but it contributes to the overall feel of a scene even when it doesn’t stand out. Giving characters backstory that the viewer will never really hear also helps actors