
Note to self: politely decline invitation to dinner at the Fargo household.

And this is exactly why I’ve always been open about my cannibalism.

He never once earned the name James. 

I love that they just eliminated Brandanowitz from the whole Parks & Rec timeline. Not even a mention after season 2. 

They were indeed (the Office fared better, but it had the British version to copy). I hope this gets better too. Fey is a sharp cookie and hasn’t let me down yet. And I don’t want her to!

Haven’t watched this yet, but off the top of my head, how many great comedies had a promising pilot? The pilots for The Office, 30 Rock, Parks and Rec, and Superstore were all met with mixed reviews, right?

My first thought when the riots began today was "Gee, I wonder how Karen Floss feels about this?" 

70M+ still believe that, and that's the problem. 

You have to look back now and all those fucking idiots in 2016 who insisted that Trump somehow would be better than Hillary Clinton as President and wonder what the fuck they were thinking.

I don’t doubt that she had a lot of sexism and outright misogyny to overcome in making it in Hollywood as a woman, and I salute her for achieving things far beyond what I would likely have managed in the same circumstances, but this narrative would have felt a lot more satisfying after the first movie and before the

Someone needed to have an “internal war” over whether the script for 1984 was even marginally passable. I still can’t believe they thought this movie plot and execution was acceptable. 

Titus Andromedon playing Remy in an off-off-off-Broadway Zoom musical adaptation of Ratatouille is 100% a Kimmy Schmidt plotline.

I’m interested in seeing it. Not as a DC movie, but from a structural standpoint. Can Snyder really take a movie that bad and magically massage it into something good? That’s quite a stunt to attempt. I guess I’m from Camp One, aka the Eval Knievel fans. At worst, I watch Snyder’s jet sled plummet into the canyon and

Honestly, the summary is enough. Justice League was basically Avengers 1 with 3 cubes instead of 1 and a villain who’s defining trait is that he was designed and written to be as generic as possible and only a threat to unnamed characters and his generic army was bug-people who were attracted to fear.

Hilaria Baldwin seems like a good pick.

My wife and I started watching it on Friday, late. We were both tired so we paused it. We came back and watched some more of it Saturday, again late, and had to pause it again because we were tired. And then last night when we got the opportunity to finish the last 45 minutes... we both kinda shrugged and said “Meh.”

It should take Superman about .002 seconds to take out this version of the Suicide Squad. That’s what was so ridiculous about the first one.

I managed to see the movie twice in theaters (two friend groups) and I still don’t remember it that well.

“As fans around the world continue to embrace The Suicide Squad, we are excited to be able to continue their story with our real life Squad—James Gunn, Margot Robbie and co.—who will return forSuicide Squad v Justice League!”’-

Trent Reznor does good soundtrack work, but it feels like a missed opportunity to not get a jazz composer.