
Yeah, I think it’s time for him to throttle back.  I know he’s jacked from being in the middle of a workout but enough is enough.  Thor’s strong because he’s a god, not because he rolls tires sideways.

Here, let me help you out:

I mean supporting a homophobic organization is a pretty good reason to dislike someone

He looks like he hasn’t taken in fluids for two days.

I thought the point of the filter was to make Chris H look better? He looks like he’s over done the steroids...Is this meant to be an attractive look? *confused*

Hemsworth is clearly the dumbest Chris.  Doesn’t he realize that is it much easier to just roll a tire?  He doesn’t have to flip it like that.

I was kinda disappointed by Bullo’s surprise. If he’d only wrecked the figurine collection, that would’ve shown they knew it mattered to him, but they wrecked his whole apartment. So I guess Bullo’s genius touch was cutting the eyes out of the picture of Odis’s intended?

The episodes blow, but these are always enjoyable.

If you scroll over his handle, you’ll see that it’s something along the lines of “dremillliolizaardo”. That’s how you can be sure not to star or reply to the troll.

I worry that all I’ll remember from this forgettable season is Oraetta’s stupid penguin walk.

Apparently Oraetta can be super quiet sneaking around (despite he awkward loud shuffle pretty much all season). We saw Loy’s son sleeping with a gun (?) on a bench by the steps and she went right on by. The way they shot it, it made it seem like she had some kind of supernatural powers but I think that was more for

They grow up so fast.

I thought Happy being introduced now felt weird. The Leon story makes sense but his story could have been done without Happy. Or if you are going to bring him in then a couple episodes ago would make sense

I’m torn on this one. On one hand the plot finally tied everything together. Ethelrida finally got involved in the main plot by revealing the murder that nobody knew was a murder, Orietta got brought to justice, and the ghost was finally explained.

Satchel Cannon died on a lonely road in Kansas. Long live Mike Milligan.

It was a very Fargo death. I knew he was a goner when he was the voice of reason earlier in the episode.

They’re besmirching his good name. This one in particular is a real piece of gutter trash.

Hey you might want to hit the dismiss button on the fake Lizardo. He’s a burner troll who impersonates the real one. 

It’s fucking sick and twisted how millions of depraved motherfuckers are rallying behind his little lawless Nazi piece of shit. He obtained two guns, lawlessly: It is illegal for persons under the age of 18 to possess a handgun in his home state of Illinois (which he also had in addition to his “AR-like” long gun) and

I thought this piece did a nice job noting the goal of Tangled animators to go back to having “moments that capture a character’s essence in just one image.”