
Gaetano’s bugged out eyes and a half-smile comes off more like a mentally challenged than deranged or whatever it’s supposed to be. I’m pretty much done paying attention to him it’s so bad.

Hear! Hear!

I need to hear an interview with that actor in which he explains what, exactly, he’s going for. Not since AJ Soprano have I seen a performance where I could definitively say, “Well, that guy is never going to work again.” 

It was when Gaetano gets out of the car and is waving his hands around to the music that I realized that he’s like a Jack Black version of a dangerous mafioso. And the instant that thought popped into my head, Gaetano eats shit on the ice.

When Winstead had her shootout at the end of season 3 with the patrolman, the use of the Fargo theme there was devastating. The subtler use here, I agree, was very effective.

Glynn Turman knows how to wear a Fedora

You’d think a smart young lady like Ethelrida would have realized that she’d left the notebook there.

Milligan is getting interesting, which I like because I have liked Whishaw since Layer Cake. I’m anxious to see what transpires when Oraetta finds the notebook Ethelrida left in her trophy closet last week. You’d think a smart young lady like Ethelrida would have realized that she’d left the notebook there. And what

No Pratt and no RDJ, who I always figured were the resident conservatives of the group. Which is, whatever. I’ll still watch their movies, but they should be aware that I’m giving them a little side-eye over stuff like this.

The thing is, If Trump loses he won’t go away. The rallies are the only part of the job he likes. My bet is we at least get another presidential bid in 2024(assuming he has not died) and between that he still holds “America” rallies where maybe he is there to “help” other candidates but its mostly about him. Trump

This is the Bad Place!

I thought it didn’t quite track either. Best I came up with was, since it was coming after Loy saying the Italians weren’t Rabbi’s people, Rabbi was replying sarcastically. (As in, “Oh, and I suppose YOU’RE my Mommy here to save me - when our skin tones don’t even match?”)

I almost forgot about that figure in the road, even though it terrified me.

Haven’t done this in a while, let’s see if it works for this season of Fargo:

Something I noticed tonight... As someone who’s lived there I haven’t seen anything that says “Kansas City” about this series at all.

So I guess like the Amazons in Wonder Woman, everyone in ancient Egypt will have the same accent as Gal Gadot.

He can do vulnerable, he can do menacing, and a lot in between.
But he’s most often dead-eyed iirc.

Actually it’s Jessica Chastain and Bryce Dallas Howard who are doppelgangers.

Chastain’s career ark has been a source of growing dismay for me. She shot out into the stratosphere with such a bang in 2010-11, and then beginning with ZD30 she’s been doing more and more of these adrenaline fueled action type films that offer so little for her to do as an actor aside from look focused with a

I’m Thinking of Watching This.