
I loved "She's The Man" when I was a little younger! That movie + "What A Girl Wants" + "Step Up" + "Honey" were some of my tween staples. And Amanda Bynes seemed so down to earth and charming, it makes me sad that she isn't basking in glory :(

Oh god, remember when he played Reba in one of those SNL shorts? Ugh. He deserves better than that.

There you go.

Those little English human-gremlins are sooo cute!

Don't you dare forget the vomit glitter! It will not grow without vomit glitter!

Me too, Ali Waller. Me too.

That's exactly what I think as well! I hate that Hollywood is playing it safe all the damned time (re-releasing Titanic in 3D? Oh no, just no.)

Uh, my sister used to do this with her dog - like, hold bits of food between her mouth and let her dog eat it. I have more problems with that than I do with this.

Hey man, I can think a sugar-coated foot is the best candy in the world, but that doesn't make it so!

Cool. My mother's side is predominately German/Czech and black salted licorice and dark chocolate is like a religion to them. I dunno, maybe I missed those affinities in my genes.

Your words speak to me. Right in my soul, past my sugar-scraped gums.

Welcome to America motherfuckers! Where we got your eagles and your foxes and your domesticated cats and freekin' snow right at your front door, all for free! (Although a Bruce Springsteen will cost you.)

BAD food that wil make me SKINNY?!

I seem to be the only one who doesn't think her pregnancy has lasted for forever. But even so, nine months is still a pretty long time, I mean she's growing a freaking baby in there - she can take all the time she damn well needs!

I can see your point - how apologizing for things all the time could take away the legitimacy of apologizing when you actually mess up.

That's cool. And it's cool that I hate them too.

How the fuck is dark chocolate ahead of fudge? Dark chocolate is like the black salted licorice of the chocolate world and you are all voting for it?

Now playing

Dying alone certainly beats the alternative...

That Madonna song is one of the worst generic electric-pop songs I've heard in a while (and I didn't even mind "4 minutes", so that is saying something).

You are! My body lacks an enzyme to digest most alcohol properly, so I rarely ever get buzzed. Not that I would want to drink much, but it would just be nice to have that option :(