
I think it’s a thing you just kind of accept. I have an Etsy shop (that right now is doing an excellent Sunny Von Bulow impression) where I had a very successful piece, a log pillow. The amount of sellers who tried to rip off my design, down to the unique heart at the heart of the oak, was crazy. It stung at first but

The funny thing is, conceal carry is perfectly legal in SC, and can even be allowed in houses of worship if permission is granted by an appropriate official. So, this jack-asses victim blaming nonsense is just plain incorrect. He might have voted against concealed carry but it passed anyway. So unless someone wants to

Lo siento no siento (that means sorry not sorry).

Dear Fox News,

Bernie Sanders is on it at least! I just received an email from his campaign team, and the aren’t pussy-footing around it:

Elliot Rodgers wrote a 140-page manifesto explaining that he went on a killing rampage because of his extreme hatred for women, and people not only widely refused to believe but also got very angry at any suggestion that his actions were motivated by misogyny.

There’s a lot more than that.

They wouldn’t lose anything to admit that this psycho was racially motivated. However, they gain a lot of traction with their wackadoodle viewers when they turn it into a war on christians. Christians (I know #notallchristians) have this weird persecution complex and they love to feed it.

Fox isn’t the only media corp with shit in their teeth:

I’m listening to talk radio out of Austin (so it’s not necessarily right wing dittoheads) and someone called and asked the host how he knew the shooting was about race, not Christianity. The host replied with the shooter’s quote, and the caller said “well I didn’t know that. That changes things.” I’d wager a ton of


I'm in Iowa, we have the 12 oz. So I just eat like a starving horse.

And note the chronology: he was arrested on March 3 and received a .45 for his birthday in APRIL!!!! Because that’s what every troubled kid needs: a hand cannon.

Ok. Well, if the other Dylann Storm Roofnis reading this, sorry about your name bro

as he should because right-wing radical domestic terrorists are much more of an actual threat to american lives

Gun owners are 32 times more likely to kill someone without cause than to act in self-defense.

Ugh. The first post I saw this morning was about this ad and how it was on DURING THE DAY! and on THE FOOD NETWORK and how now my sil can’t just watch a cooking show with her 11 year old son and there goes another channel she’ll have to ban from the kids. My eyes rolled so hard they rolled off my head and down the


For many decades now, Texas has been going on the assumption that giving schoolkids information about their bodies will lead to them fucking like bunnies and getting pregnant. By keeping sex utterly mysterious and terrifyingly risky, they’ll stop those crazy kids from fucking.