
Years ago I read a post on Reddit by a guy who woke up after taking Ambien for the first time and was promptly informed by his wife that he’d gotten up in the middle of the night, grabbed their two cats, and announced his intention to read to them because “those motherfuckers need culture.”

LOL! “There’s my African American!” ugh. Let’s shut the economy down from coast to coast with a nation-wide walkout of work strike. I’m sick of this shit.

It’s three, SHS. Three licks, mother fucker. Let’s not gloss things over by telling us things we already know.

Yes. That’s exactly what this is. Also, it’s to try to cover up more serious crimes and illegality in the way Cheeto paid back Cohen via laundering the $ from his campaign through his properties and then to Cohen.

Well, one theory I’ve read is that Trump and Giuliani are admitting this now to get the fact out there, as opposed to potentially lying about this under oath in court. It’s a bad look to lie to the press, but the penalties for perjury are much steeper—like jail, for instance.

I’m stealing your comment for my own. Just lettin’ ‘ya know in advance. Thanks!

I mean, I’d be tempted. Fucking owl is no help, I can tell you that.

I used to think that his supporters were just disillusioned. 18 month later I realize they fall into one or both of two categories:


if you watched Samantha Bee last night, you know you’re spot-on about his rabid supporters not giving a fuck. To extend your point further, they don’t even care if they’re getting fucked as long as some non-white or gay is getting fucked harder. They’re so hateful they’re willing to eat shit as long as they know

All of my mom’s mini dachshunds (all 3 rescues!) were/are the worst about this. If they slept lengthwise against you, it would be fine, they’re the perfect shape for that. But no. The must sleep perpendicular, and then somehow a 10 lb dog gets 2/3 of a queen bed.

Hey, I’m sorry, things do get better. Big hugs.

Sorry to hear that lovey. Here’s my dog nephew Fritz.


its better than bad. its good

I love lamp.

Everyone loves log!

Ditto, I just don’t get K-Pop either. I mean, I also acknowledge its existence but simply don’t understand it’s appeal.

because it can roll down stairs and even in pairs and over your neighbors dog?