
Trade him!

I am SO curious to see what kind of dead-man’s-switches were installed in this investigation....

Muller never would have dropped info before the election unless it was back in July. He would be accused of trying to interfere. Rumours were his report would be finished this month. The question is if that’s true will he drop it now or wait for new congress to be sworn in January 

After my granFanda died, I discovered she had snuck little bits of money into money markets, CD’s and savings accounts in my name since my birth. I was notified of this by her sister via a post card with my first clue (because she made it a treasure hunt). All told she left me 24k. The knowledge of that money, of the

I’m legit lying in bed right now laughing SO hard at this.

For me the worst thing is that it will TURN OFF podcasts I’m listening to in order to play the ad. It’s infuriating.

After hanging out in a bath containing ecstasy, the animals moved to a chamber with three rooms to pick from: a central room, one containing a male octopus and another containing a toy. This is a setup frequently used in mice studies.

It doesn’t sound like the beginning of a horror movie at all. I’m sure Gerard Butler’s character, a down-and-out seal trainer, will be able to save his ex-wife, a bespectacled zoologist, from the giant mutant neals as a very rare blizzardcaneado weather event approaches her remote research lab. Dennis Leary can play

Maybe we could genetically modify them to create Nutria/seal hybrids that could be introduced into the polar bear habitat.  What could go wrong?

They are NOT cute fully grown. As an invasive species, they should be eradicated as humanely as possible. I hate the thought of slaughtering anything, but they will ruin the wetlands and cause the death of lots of other animals. I wonder if it would be at all feasible to kill them and very quickly freeze the carcasses


I have a similar thing about sea lions. (As you might guess, I live on the California coast instead of a Canadian forest.) They’re funny wonderful cranky ol’ bags of blubber and love when you’re watching them on their rafts.... but if you have ever gotten up close to one, because it just decided to haul out onto the

Looks like it was probably a Pacific islander who made the call, I'd say.

You sound Canadian. Or maybe you’re a bear. Or both.

Counterpoint; the best meat is fresh caught and grilled Salmon.

Calm yourself, Sarah - it’s just locker room talk. 

Now playing

This video, constantly on his twitter, all the users.