Gwen Stefani ages like a fine wine; Blobfish ages like a Natty Ice left on the floor of a frat house.
Gwen Stefani ages like a fine wine; Blobfish ages like a Natty Ice left on the floor of a frat house.
Honestly, I wouldn't even care if they were the only ones that had to deal with that fucking blobfish, but as a senator, he's an issue for all of us.
Pelosi isn’t the ‘worst,’ but she’s a relic of the old Democratic party that’s been letting us down real hard for the past decade.
This will be amazing, as will be the Twitter meltdown that Dotard is about to have.
Erm...I’m a month behind on my mortgage...again (long story, separated from my partner of 6 years 7 months ago. Two incomes to one is reeeal savage). Just bought that One Touch razor because I need to feel like I can look human-cute again...
“Hey insurance company, here’s my plan...” book? I’ve got 10k+ episodes of the Doo Crew that prove you need to be mid teens and apparently have no parents if you wanna solve a mystery.
Don’t lie in bed. That’s how egg arguments with your partner start!
Must....resist....being....a jerk...
They're still pissed that they didn't successfully complete the murder.
Soooo....Bin Laden, pretty much.
It’d be more authentic if they lead with, “Im no psychic, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Anyhow...”
Oobviously he got away with it. Author was in her 20s, well past the age of being a successful meddling kid!
“She was hiding under the covers, having bolted all the doors and windows. Her small appartment was empty.
Typical fuckin’ libtard! Figured you’d have t-shirts. Know who else makes t-shirts? ILLUMANITI!
I spent a good three minutes typing out this super sarcastic, pun-laden post. Then I reread it to check for typos and had that, “yep, I’m white as fuck” moment.
Typical libdard! Bet you don’t even have thoughts & prayers for all the Bowling Green Massacre victims! YOU P0ROBABLY DONT EVEN REMEMBER WHERE YOU WERE DURING THE BOWLING GREEN MASSACRE!
“This way to the delousing showers."
They've been screaming to deport her, but the logistics are breaking their minds.
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