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I’ll just leave these here for reasons:

These incel support groups are getting out of control.

I need to see his middleschool football picture.

How did you not go with sharpest arrow in the quiver?

It’s honestly so good. They made gritty and named him gritty because they thought ‘What is Philly?’ and the answer was Gritty. Like this story is the most Philly thing I’ve ever seen. Throwing righteous insults at fascists and not just like general ones. Literally making fun of a fascist in riot gear and a dude with a

Or as Samantha Bee calls it, "Crystal Meth Elmo" 

As a (South) Philadelphian, I approve of this message.

Gritty and the Babadook are putting in WORK for the Left.

I couldn’t care less about sports, but I love Gritty. I haven’t lived in Philly for about 5 years now (moved to Pittsburgh), but I like that Philly’s new mascot is an insane monster, and my former home city always fills me with a mixed sense of pride and shame. Mostly pride in this case though because fuck the Proud

He's the anti-Pepe we need.

Good work Nancy Drew. They had a fucking bone saw. They really need to take the internet away from people like you. Too much information for your brain to process.

On the bright side, a million people are now legally eligible to vote, and while many of them may not go out next election, those that do hopefully keep in mind who didn’t want them to have the right to vote, and who fought for it.

Granted, the one voting station for all of them will be in a flooded cavern, and don’t

I thought “Halle Berry” was Helen Keller’s call for a last-ditch throw deep into the end zone?

He wouldn’t dump their bodies. He’d eat them.

He wants judges to have a religious world view (already a violation of church-state separations, which should disqualify them flat out), and specifically the New Testament. Of course, as we all know, Jesus of Nazareth (an amalgam of 2-3 historical figures, all killed by Romans and claimed the messianic prophecy at

Best thing I’ve seen on twitter:

That made me laugh a lot harder than it probably should have