
How to avoid uncontrollable oversteer:


* insert TOP GUN gif here *

Great. Another golf war.

When I’m bored, I find some chemtrail video on youtube or some chemtrail website and read the comments because they are so wackadoodle. I also love the Jade Helmers but chemtrailers will always have a special place in my heart.

Man, that 911 looks weird.

“Over $1MM invested in this build, worth $20MM+, we know what we have, no lowballers or Palestinians. Bring a trailer.”

Two deaths is a small price to pay for this dope-ass stance. I’ll be in the back seat with your mom. Sincerely, YouTube.

Spicey just pawn in game of life

“Land land land... see ‘snatch’”

I’ll start prepping the Candygram…

Spice! lol I remember trying my best to watch it through the squiggles (HAHA try to figure that one out under 20 crowd ;) )

Take your star and get out

Hope they’re not cutting too many chords, I still want the theme songs to be musically pleasing.

Oh I made eye contact for an uncomfortable amount of time with them, like a fun version of “who’s the bigger asshole” chicken or dick chicken as my friends and I call it.

Two Corinthians, one cup.