Glen Perkins: coffee is for closers

In terms of emasculation and “we are going to highlight your biggest weakness for everyone to see,” this is WAY more entertaining than Hack-a-DeAndre.

Found him.

$12 for 10 ounces? You, sir, are a dumbass.

I believe you’ve just described Garnetting.

I’m not a Rockets fan and I can’t stand Dwight Howard, but seriously, fuck Blake Griffin.

Sorry, no. Fuck the Blackhawks and fuck the entire sewer of a fan base.


Pretty bold for a guy playing in the Eastern Conference.


Unless she put earrings on Khloé and then ... took a photo of herself. It’s not improbable

Really? That just seems tasteless and out of place to me.

Good thing there is no way Floyd will ever find out what his son said about him.

Um, yes. All over him.

*reads comment*

This is the creepiest possible option.

The downside, of course, is that your co-workers all refer to you as “Weird Garbage Eater Who Will Never Be Promoted” behind your back.

From a cold can my friend, euphoria.