Glen Perkins: coffee is for closers

Not for nothing, but this was seconds before the injury. I’m not saying Olynyk’s play was good, but it backs up his claim that guys lock arms all the time in the NBA.

Yeah, he was intentionally holding onto his arm in an attempt to keep Love away from the ball. Which is clearly a foul. But saying he intentionally injured the guy is a different thing from saying he intentionally clutched onto his arm, which is something that happens all the time in basketball. Also, a still frame

I understand being frustrated about suffering an injury, or having your teammate suffer an injury, but it absurd to suggest that Olynyk ripped the guy’s arm out of the socket on purpose. It sucks to get hurt, but it happens. Don’t be a child about it.

Where’s Nolan Ryan when you need him? His beatdown of another Ventura is still one of baseball’s best

It’s going to be so satisfying to watch when someone eventually beats the shit out of him.

I agreed with the first part, then I read the second sentence. It completely captures the attitude that makes everybody despise Boston sports fans. Giving you a +1 for more exposure.

If you have been clear about your intentions and kind but non-committal, ending things can and should be simple.

They really did a good job when they cast this dude as Screech Powers’s cousin Jim. Better than they realized.

Stephen A literally made me nauseous during that bit. I want to throw up and kill myself

White males.

Yes it is. That’s why Samer did that in his very first sentence!

  1. Buy NBA Team

Yes, he is.

Oh, did you get thrown at too?

We get it all done while you are getting ready in the bathroom

No, you clear room in the basket for a blob. Damn amateur fry eaters.

That guy at 1:37 just sitting there with his hands in his pockets.

1. Dudes and Ladies, don't try to fight anyone. You're grown ups.

Also, Tom Brady's legacy is way lagacier than LeBron's