Glen Perkins: coffee is for closers

Same thing here on the reporter aspect.

I like your taste in beer. It doesn’t get much better than the scenario you have described (even if no angel is present). This coming from someone who goes to a new brewery every week (or so it seems) to try the latest and greatest. You better believe I always have between 3 and 32 ice cold bottles of liquid gold,

Just keep boozing and jacking shots with no regard for your own well being. That’s how you get into the hall of fame.

I’ve done this, but for a specific boosting confidence reason and it worked out perfectly.

Deflate deez nutz!!!!!

Chris: You remember when you were with the Twins?

Wait just a minute. I didn’t read the article (yet), but are you arguing that a male that undergoes a sex change should be able to fight females in an MMA match? Genuinely curious.

Are his legs broken? Is that really Rickety Cricket under the mast? Does he poop into that bucket with the hole in it? Is that guy about to reach in the bucket for lightning feces?

Still riding my ‘82 Yamaha 400 Maxim with under 10k miles on it. Great bike to learn how to ride on, great bike to learn how to work on, still a great damn bike.

and with the novice bike rider, you can roll that right into how to work on the thing. It has been one of the most enjoyable parts of my life for the last 2 years and I could still use some pointers!

Just did that with my 1982 Maxim 400 Friday night.

That is some next level psychotic shit with the girl and the laxative. I hope she got what was coming to her later on in life

I really enjoyed this story

does he become even more attractive to male Pats fans than his wife?

They are who we thought they were.

Carl Otis Winslow

This is the best thing to ever happen to Deadspin. SO MANY STORIES

“Pay me to not coach? Okay.”

I re-watch the first (and only) season of PlayMakers with my brother every year. FUUUUUUCK that show was the best. Just throwing middle-fingers at the NFL 20 times an episode.

Little Bitch League