Glen Perkins: coffee is for closers

Take my money.


Joe Mauer.

Do not fucking brake. Period. Downshift, yes, even in an automatic. Never completely stop, no matter how slow you end up approaching a red light or a turn.


very true, but thems are the breaks.

What the fuck is "chez mix"?

You are correct sir.

I agree about that throw. I mean so much on the line I definitely thought we were about to see one of those fumble-copter throws that just spin out of the punter/kicker's grasp. But really don't think he picks up the first down. He needed to get to the 9 and was pretty much starting from the 28 yard line when #31

I will preface this by lamenting that yes, everything happens at insane speeds, but that in essence is football. While watching this live, I thought to myself 'what in the hell did AJ Hawk just do?' Check the 4-second mark of the video above: Packers #31 is only about 1.5 steps away from the punter who will need to

Hey multi-millionaire NBA stars, come play the Average Joe's gym squad. They have a dude who acts like a pirate and their coach throws wrenches at them for practice! I bet there is basically no risk that we seriously injure ourselves playing against a bunch of amateurs.

Agreed completely. It was a fun ride that year, but by no means was I ever a Favre fan. We were the rebound team to make his ex-girlfriend jealous. It was inevitable that it would all blow up in his face.

Paul Allen is great BECAUSE he is a homer. What moron was trying to argue otherwise?

Sure, interview the guy in the Rage Against the Machine T-shirt about "no out of law-ness happening here man". Seems like a chill dude though.

Holy shit-balls

$1,142 / month to rent that place (pre-arson).

I was at that game, you were terrible.