Glen Perkins: coffee is for closers

Meanwhile, back in Minnesota...

"But...but, hey man! I paid money for that certificate so I am technically an owner. See, I even had it tattooed on my back!"

He likes to scare white people, and I applaud him for that.

That's some pretty good D in that first gif. Hell of a move by Irving, but he certainly didn't "make him look dumb". It was a good contest considering the one-on-one island he was on

Ok. I'm sorry.

Fuck you. Leave Deadspin comments to those of us hoping to avoid political protests.

Guns are funny!

He traveled.

I would like to know who actually stars his tired comments.


He should have pumped up those sneakers a few more times.

Funeral potatoes? Nothing says home with the family like funeral potatoes.

Funeral potatoes? Nothing says home with the family like funeral potatoes.

Was the chorus to that song "burn the jews"?

Heyyyyyyy...good point.

"I want to party like it's 2009!"

Holy shit. Real recognize real.

Now playing

Spin to win! Ya'll wanna win? Put Boobie in!

Ok, I will defer to the dude who played the game. Just thought he was trying to take credit for the arm brace on Gronk due to the PAT incident (not that it was his fault, but why not take credit and try and piss off your opponent).