Glen Perkins: coffee is for closers


I guess 27:38 mins/game does not meet the cut, but this seems relevant to this discussion.

You missed Kevin Love on the second list.

was it one of those gay applebees bars?

You win.

This is a true statement.

He got blamed because of his history for being a hot-head. Not saying it is right to do so, certainly not saying it is true, but it is easy to see where the blame came from. He has been reckless on numerous occasions while behind the wheel of his racecar. And let's be honest, the guy has represented himself like an

I appreciate the sentiment coming from a saints fan (I was watching as a vikings fan). And damn it all to hell with these chicken shit calls. They basically had to call it, but there was really nothing for either defender to do. As I recall, the vikings had a defender on either side of him but neither guy had really

Speak the truth!

*scared Hasidic Jimmy Fallon

The headline could use some logic.

Also appears that he snuck in a couple of Bud Lights under his fupa.

Hooray for Portland!

Tom, we will keep your toys here in Minnesota.

living with 8 roommates?

This Super Bowl win, which I admit was pretty damn great, has singlehandedly turned a fanbase, who to this day will still not shut the fuck up about Super Bowl XL and Bill Leavy, into a group of cocky, Starbucks-fueled morons who now think their team is an unstoppable force on their way to an era of uninterrupted

Pretty sure any moron can become a cop. Seriously, I am from small town USA and the dumbest kids in high school, that didn't completely get into drugs, became cops. Minorities hate cops, so why would they want to be one professionally. White idiots want to boss around minorities, so they fucking love being cops. Good

The head scratching 49 seconds in, priceless.


Who didn't have a Toon Burne action figure?! I feel sorry for your lack of dedication to the TMNT franchise if your empty childhood was devoid of my personal favorite neutral party action figure.