Glen Perkins: coffee is for closers

This was by far the best fan mail yet.

Ya, you know, because no one strikes out anymore these days.

Amen to that. Not a Mariners fan, but goddammit I love watching that man pitch. Living legend


We keep getting a new da Kid every 8 years, but then fuck up every other draft pick from then on until stumble into another one. Here's hoping we draft another Ndudi Ebi.

No hope here.


Won't be winning any championships? Really? C'mon man. Really?

sad, but true.

what's with the Peanut's theme song?

Ponder that?

so sick of this excuse

If you have the runner out by 2 or more steps, how is blocking the plate even an issue here?

Don't date the crazies.


what the hell

Damn you.

yuengling is piss with some extra malt.

It's because Ortiz is Racist.

Holy Shit!