Glen Perkins: coffee is for closers


figure out which company will have the "concussion proof" helmet design to be adopted by the NHL and make $$.

It's clicks and page views. The more writers they have working for free, the more articles they have for each team.

exactly right.

what did i just watch?

It's their team, doncha know.

Kent State fan Jake?

He has gotten a free pass. But when you end the Red Sox curse, all is forgiven in the eyes of the New England media. And we all know every sportswriter was born in, claims to have grown up in, now calls home, once dated a girl, took a dump at a dive bar in Boston.

Not into video games and not into UFC, but goddammit that was fucking hilarious. I just lost my shit

no shit

100% legal. You do not have to throw the ball to second when attempting a pick-off move

Instead, it appears to be a place where only who you know, not what you accomplish will get you rewarded.

You have it all wrong!

I would say the rule of thumb for an immaculate inning would need to be 9 strikes with no contact. Could be looking or swinging, but that would be more immaculate than foul balls that the batter just missed. More precise yet, give me an inning, with 9 swing-and-miss strikes equating to 3 strike outs. That'd be one

I really hope this is a King of the Hill reference.

Lance is a fucking joke. That last video, he gives up, acts like a baby while falling down, and even after hibbert helps him up (which is the biggest fucking joke of this entire sequence) he just stands there as Lewis nails a 3. If they lost this game, it is ALL on Lance for being a fucktard. I really wish they would

I think Steve Urkel built this car years ago.

when is it on netflix

Fuck off.

It's fucking awful.