
So Apple Maps would get better?

most “porn-sex” these days is actually “homemade-sex”

yeah and women used to be grateful a man didnt show them the back of his hand.

That’s so dumb and perfect. I like you.

I’m guessing he dropped very precisely into them from a great height.

I’m watching you, Focker.

I think Redditors count on people not questioning their bullshit. It’s how the MRA and Gamergate subreddits thrive.

wasn’t attempting to say they were equivalent, only what I said, that some may find those as damaging, or ineffective. They key point is that there is no universal answer on how to discipline a child.

You’re chasing the dragon by agonizing over 125 or whatever. Fuck those skinny bitches, I’ll take a curvy/hourglass/voluptuous/zaftig woman anyday.


“died by suicide” has to be one of the sloppiest phrases I’ve heard in awhile. You commit suicide or you kill yourself. Suicide is a motive, not a method.

I consider myself a social democrat, especially on economic issues and I make no excuses for the Clintons; they’re pretty despicable. What Clinton did on welfare “reform”, gutting Glass-Steagall, signing DOMA when he could have vetoed it, Don’t Ask Don’t I said, he is despicable and his wife is as much of

We’re never gonna wipe out homophobia completely any more than we’ve wiped out racism because some human beings will always suck. But, if we’re talking today, the vast majority of public homophobia, from politicians and other public figures, comes from Republicans and their allies, the religious loons. Even if some

Ha! I don’t know why she bothers staying closeted. She’s literally fooling no one.

Girl knows how to dress!

It sometimes seems like everyone on Grindr wants to go bareback too; it’s a cesspool. A really hot cesspool.

Clearly, all these Christian-types who go on about ISIS are just jealous. ISIS has done what the Christians will never be able to do because they’ll start a civil war and get their asses handed to them if they tried. Their beliefs, especially when it comes to women and gays, are nearly identical but they make a big