
Again, you’re just attributing things that Republicans (Like Comey) are known for doing to Trump. Trump is doing all of these things because he’s a Republican. Greenwald, among hundreds if not thousands of others, have been calling it out as such.

I like your name calling in this post and your previous one. Quite respectful.

So Obama didn’t send anyone into Syria or Libya, right?

You can be anti-Hillary (And there’s a million good reasons to be) and not be a troll, for the record. Comey hurt her far more than Greenwald ever did.

I trust The Intercept, and it’s restating of things Comey actually said and did, far more than Comey’s “Blue-Lives-Matter” right-wing ass.

Comey is such trash and he’s getting the George W. Bush rehabilitation treatment by the same #Resistance people.

Capitalism is incompatible with feminism because it is used to exploit people around the world and underpay the ones who are paid. Capitalism literally thrived off of pushing women into unpaid domestic servitude while their husbands went off to work and start or continue industry.

Unlimited time off = no jobs = no economy = debt doesn’t matter anyway.

Finally, a beef where EVERYONE is corny as hell. Thanks, yoga!

At this point, I sincerely wonder why people think that Democrats really stand for anything. There’s no hill they’re willing to die on. It’s pitiful.

According to E! News, Lawrence said she thought the Bravo personality is fake for being friends with her enemies and jokingly said about Kent: “I’m like, ‘Bitch, you’s a c–t!’ ”

I see no coupon?

I see no coupon?

It was such a trash performance. My entire living room was audibly waiting for it to end.

Mayo on cheesesteak? Barrrrffffffff

This site would not be calling for her head if she wrote anti-Palestinian tweets: Reference: Every article about Gal Gadot.

He literally just voted for “Stalin”’s warrantless surveillance of Americans. Yes, his words are hollow, empty, and pointless. Fuck him and everyone who supports him.


I also just adore how she thinks Palestinians are subhuman.

That’s it, I’m an MRA now.

OMG remember “Pokemon GO to the polls?”