So we expected more from a lady who has been exploiting the gay community for years now?
So we expected more from a lady who has been exploiting the gay community for years now?
I'm just trying to figure out, honestly, why there's a whole bunch of lauding this girl, but near universal distaste for DuPree, AnalTeenMom, and even Kim Kardashian, who turned their sex lives into profits as well. What am I missing? I'm not even trying to be snarky here, or obtuse. I just don't get it.
I call it "Camelbro".
This guy is a douche and sucks, but why give some nobody a platform?
But when I rock a flask in public, all I get is a ticket and friends telling me I drink too much and a lot of public scorn.
If he has $100M in the bank after $350M so far, he's doing something seriously right. At least 35% of that money was gone in taxes, plus I'm not sure what the MLB's escrow situation looks like.
In her defense, it is pretty much a "poop face". Like DEFCON Taco Bell level.
“Most of my friends that have graduated end up living back home because even if they have a job they can’t afford to pay rent and pay back their loans at the same time. I know a lot of people that took out almost half or more of their tuition in loans which is $50,000 so it’s impossible to pay rent and live in New…
It should be noted, again, that that is a Bill Murray parody account. It even says so in the bio.
Sometimes internet vigilantism is a net-positive. Like this case.
Thanks for the input!
I mean, of course you have to drive farther in a rural area to get to an abortion provider. There's no way to keep a center like this even remotely fundable when there's something like (tiny number) per square mile.
I wonder if beating a dead horse makes this cat less grumpy.
Yes, I looked like an idiot and it was great and worth it.
I promise that I will eat this if I ever see a Carl's Jr again and love every second of it.
I was reading this and a lady walked by my desk asking "What size is big, anyway?" and I lost it.
I'm going to guess that the people in your scenario would choose to live in a different apartment building.
So this is the place Snowden wants political asylum in, right?
The sad thing is that there are PACs and lobbyists doing good things too.