
ANSI art, some of the most amazing digital works I've ever seen to this day.

Same here, I first got on CompuServe in 1985 at $6/hour, and it was amazing. Agreed about the unique experience of getting online back then as well as the friendly community! How amazing was it to get a message from someone on the other side of the country? I managed to eventually speak to some of the directly on the

This. Local BBS's would have get-togethers to meet the people you'd been chatting with, plus all of the amazing ANSI art. L.O.R.D. was also great to play!

Try $6/hour for CompuServe in 1985 at 300-baud. Ugh.

Paul Giamatti. With dreads and neckbeard. Riiight. -_-

I remember reading that in Starlog I believe, pretty amazing. I wondered the same thing, why have the designs destroyed?! Ugh. They did a bang-up job recreating the Discovery, it was great to see the interiors again! Also enjoyed watching Chandra reactivate HAL, what a trip that must have been for Bob Balaban to

Agreed! Seeing the clouds swirling on Jupiter was mind-blowing at the time. That, and the Genesis planet in Star Trek II. Outland (by the same director) also had pretty decent model work.

Great film and a snapshot of the times in 1984. It was exciting as a high-schooler back then with all of the cool technology emerging, but also a bit nerve-wracking due to the threat of nuclear war. Pretty cool to see the Discovery back on the big screen, as well as that amazing spacewalk sequence with John Lithgow

Wallet sense is also much more comfortable in cargo shorts, haha

I do the exact same thing. It's like you can physically tell when something's missing, instead of just having to remember making sure you have your stuff with you.


That's a terrific tip, thanks for sharing!

Are you with the bride, or with THE FAILURE?

I have the original Turkey Day marathon from the early 90s in Edina, MN on tape, and it is glorious. Costumed guests explain what a SAMPO is (from The Day the Earth Froze) and if I remember correctly, Penn & Teller mock Janet Reno's hamfisted comments about violence in movies. If you ever get the chance to see any of

Fugitive Alien II is also equally awesome, have you seen that? The forklift riff continued :D

^^^ THIS

I forgot about Usenet, you are definitely right about that. I was on local BBS's that were great, and we had occasional meet-ups. But yeah, I'm sure there were plenty of bad ones back in the day as well.

MegaWars on CompuServe in 1985, a text-based multiplayer game at 300-baud and $6/hour. Finally reached the rank of Admiral and had a massive capital ship to command, until my parents got the bill...they were none too pleased.

Yep! Getting that dialing string correct and then hearing that magical sound when it successfully connected...good memories.

Exactly, hahaha. First time I got frames working the way I'd wanted to, it was amazing. Before that, setting up XModem protocol for CompuServe at 300-baud...