Pizazz, Bananas, and Dynamite were must-reads for us 70s kids!
Pizazz, Bananas, and Dynamite were must-reads for us 70s kids!
Yep, they were awesome magazines, as was Bananas (which was published by the Dynamite people, I think).
CB Simulator! I forgot about that :D I'm guessing it was far more civil back then than chat is today.
Seriously! I had an Atari 800XL back in 84, and got on CompuServe in 85 at 300 baud. It was $6/hour, I believe. Ouch. Ever play Megawars on there? Pretty mind-boggling at the time to have dozens of other players in the game simultaneously, even if it was text-only.
Former CompuServe user here as well! It was $6/hour back in 1985 when I started at 300 baud, the parents kept a VERY tight leash on that :D
That's awesome! I used ARPANET while in the Air Force in the early 90s, but got my start online with CompuServe back in 1985 at 300 baud. What a time that was...
Hahaha. I have a similar background, used to watch TOS with my dad in the early 70s, he was quite entertained by the fact that I thought the Gorn were real :D
YES, same here. I totally get what you mean by seeing it in "another phase of life," it's one of those films that continues to reveal new things as we get older. Great post :)
Agreed! I've learned a lot of new life hacks through these interviews.
Ahhh, loved those in my younger days as well. Managed to find the first few Future Life magazines at a used bookstore awhile back, it's been a blast going through them again.
Pretty amazing they were even allowed a phaser in that, aren't kids getting suspended for even drawing guns these days? Great video!
YES, agreed. What a time to grow up in for technology and then see it evolve in the 80s.
I agree, it was completely unnecessary.
Great write-up! STIII came out in 1983, 2 years before BTTF, though :) I thought Lloyd was an inspired choice for Kruge, he essentially defined the tough, no-compromise Klingon leader that paved the way for Chang in STVI.
That was great! Refreshing to see people actually helping and being nice to each other, seems like that doesn't happen enough today.
Epic thread, I'm new to Tasker and will be trying some of these out. That last one...RESPECT :)
Oh, brother. Your guy has NO idea what he's doing when it comes to foreign policy, just face it. You guys can't blame Bush anymore, these failures are all on The Golden Child.
Awesome! One can never have enough fonts :D
Going to try this, it could fill a badly-needed niche. Thanks, Thorin!
Atari 800XL with tape drive, good times. We had DEC terminals at school, along with a few TRS-80 Model III's. Daisy-wheel printing ftw :D