
Uh, no dude. It has been played constantly in the US since the mid-80s.

Not true. I had a friend who immigrated to America from Korea at 13. She didn’t even speak English, but by the time I met her at 19, she spoke with an American accent.

Yeah, this shit is pretty awful. Why would you want to upset your kid like that? It’s not funny to see ANYONE cry, especially when someone has set out to make them cry in the first place. 

You had me at “nuns armed with wooden stakes”. SO into this.

Well, I’m not surprised. CMBYN was filled with the kind of florid prose mentioned above. The relationship between Elio and Oliver never really came to life for me, either. It felt like fantasy. Although I did think Aciman did a good job describing what it’s like to be young and attracted to someone who is giving you

What in holy hell are you talking about? 18 is the legal age of consent in most states (some are lower than that), 21 is well over the age of consent. Nobody is losing their job over dating someone 21 years old, nobody is being accused of grooming for assault, except maybe by hysterical online commentators. They might

Disagree completely, best advice he’s ever given.

Thank you. That really stood out to me, too. That statement is more about virtue signaling than it is a legitimate criticism of Phair, IMO.   

Couldn’t agree with you more. So, so awful. Nothing redeeming at all about it.

I’m with Princess Leia. Electronic billboards are awful.

Am I the only one who thought season 3 dragged? I liked Robin and Erika a lot, they were fun, but the rest of it? Same old story. Hoping that getting out of Hawkings refreshes the story a bit. 

No ability to contextualize and no critical thinking skills. It scares me as much as it annoys me.

Have you seen Wanderlust? The way she says Hummus .... I was a fan immediately. 

I met my partner when I was 41. You can meet someone any time in your life. The only thing I regret was not enjoying my freedom more when I was single. Have fun and don’t worry about it! What’s the worse that could happen? You have a fun, satisfying life. 

Wake me up when they reboot Silk Stalkings. 

Yes, thank you. He is NOT a good actor.

Well, I wish it would go on forever, but in general most of the shows I like would be better off ending after 3-4 seasons. Dragging shit out is never a good idea.

LOVE all your ideas for spinoffs. I agree that they can cut Sam completely. At least maybe they can make Sam and Ruth friends; they work great as friends, not as romantic partners.

I might be in the minority but the third season felt like the right blend of wrestling and drama/comedy to me. The characters are what I come back for, and the wrestling is just a fun little distraction.

If you’re a fiction writer you have got to sympathize with your characters, otherwise they end up feeling like cardboard cutouts of people, rather than real people. You have to see even the worst people as full human beings. As a reader, I’d much rather read a nuanced character who does terrible things, than an “evil”