
I’ve been meaning to check that one out, but haven’t gotten around to it. I’ll put it on my list this weekend. Thanks! 

I absolutely love this genre—70s low budget supernatural horror. Especially when there are subversive undercurrents. So excited to see this!
A couple of years ago I stumbled upon “Virgin Witch” on Netflix and expected some gross sexploitation plot I’d have to overlook for the visuals but it was surprisingly not sexist

Oh my god. Hello from 2020. You would not BELIEVE this shit. Move to the most remove island you can find and hunker down. Seriously.

Hollywood was so awful. But I still like Murphy productions. I enjoy over the top, campy content quite a bit. So I’m excited for this one.

I’ve always thought she was an underrated actress. Besides the show being considered middlebrow, she’s got to overcome her background as a teen pop star to get the credit she deserves.

Asian people make more money than anyone is the US.

This is why we need copy editors. A comma makes a world of difference.

Too many words about Arnie, not enough about the movie, IMO.

Oh man, I’m so behind on my groupthink workshops. Why do we hate Allison Brie now?

I REALLY wanted to like Empire, but sadly I found it actually kind of boring? Cookie was by FAR the best part, though, so I’m excited for the spinoff. Henson is a kinetic actor; I’m always riveted by her no matter what she’s in.

I want to share your optimism. But over here in the US, the vibe I’m getting is that we won’t really open again until a vaccine is available, which will be quite a way off.

Couldn’t agree with you more. Great take on all of this. You expressed my doubts better than I could have. Murphy had a chance to develop some complex, interesting gay male characters and he left us wooden good guy / bad guy characters. I mean, except for the Ace studios guy who refuses to have sex with Rock Hudson,

Thanks for excerpting those reviews. I’m about halfway through the series and I’m really astounded by how bad some of it is. It’s ... entertaining, very pretty. But my god, the writing is atrocious. It’s actually borderline funny. So ... I guess Murphy finally made actual camp. 
But I hadn’t really thought of how the

Agreed. I thought the author put way too much emphasis on Travolta. That’s his opinion. I loved that movie when I was a kid, mostly for the women in the cast. Travolta didn’t even register for me. 

Agreed! Except I’d switch LIoLI and PB.

Yeah, I also hate how these shows have influenced design. Everything is open concept in shades of gray. BORING.

Brother Lovers ... I mean Property Brothers is my favorite. They always look like they’re about ten seconds from making out with one another. 

AMEN! I fucking hate open concept with a passion. Kitchen smells and noises belong in the kitchen. The living room is for relaxing and should smell like incense or potpourri or candles ... anything but fried onions.

I really disliked Dare Me, the novel. But most of it had to do with the writing, lots of exposition of the ‘teenage girls are so fucked up/destructive’ kind. It read as kind of sexist to me, and not really original, or insightful. The comparison to Gone Girl is interesting, because in that novel the protagonist is a

That’s funny. I knew the spolier months ago. I mean, nobody said the G word, but I knew about the heart transplant, and figured it out. But then again, I read obsessively about almost every movie coming out.