
Agreed about Blind Assassin. So so so good. My runner-ups are Cat’s Eye and Lady Oracle, although I haven’t read the latter in years.

Yep, it was a fantastic performance, and she is BELOVED in the industry. I wouldn’t be surprised if she won.

Shhhhh. Nobody wants to think about that. 

Oh man, Interstellar was the worst/best. We laughed out loud in several places. It’s a great example of camp.

Everybody forgets Scooby Dee! 

Girl, the 80s invented airbrushing. 

That’s exactly what I thought. A limited series would have worked beautifully. Whoever decided to make this into a movie is an idiot. 

That’s not unreasonable anger you’re experiencing, it is righteous anger. It’s not the sentences themselves, but the fact that they’re in a published book, when much, much, much better books will only ever live on some poor schmuck’s desktop just because she isn’t a famous asshole.

Yes! Didn’t Kerouac refuse to revise anything? Or was it just On the Road? Like, his first draft was so pure and perfect. What an ass. Everyone knows the magic happens in revision. God, he was awful.

Me too. I loved the book, but the trailer looks really schlocky. I’m hoping it’s a marketing ploy and doesn’t represent the actual movie. 

Ok that makes sense. The way you originally phrased it confused me. We’re on the same page! 

Huh? I was once a young gay man and I really could have used the guidance of someone older and wiser to help me through some of my early relationships. I mean, I couldn’t turn to my evangelical parents, and my friends were just as clueless as I was. Gay people, especially when I was coming out in the 90s,  don’t get a

That’s pretty much the story and it is decidedly not hilarious. Bernadette is so wacky! She’s casually racist and overtly classicist. Maybe she’s supposed to be complicated, but she just read as an asshole to me. I was like, stay lost you horrible person and leave your sweet daughter alone! That book sucked.

I really didn’t care for the book either. Thought the characters were underdeveloped, they seemed to exist to further the plot, which was too ridiculous to be believed but not ridiculous enough to be amusing. And there were SO many fucked up details. Like the daughter and her friends are in eighth grade, right? But

Respectfully disagree. I watch Dazed and Confused often, and still find it both funny and sweet. There were scenes in Boyhood that really spoke to me. Linklater really nailed what it’s like to live with an alcoholic father, the constant fear. That scene when Patricia Arquette comes back to get the kids with her friend

Hahah. Yes. That’s the only part of the movie I remember. Was she trying to kill herself? It’s all about the drama.

All I remember is Demi Moore in an empty room with all the windows open in the wintertime. I think she’s crying? Rocking herself back and forth? She’s sad for sure. But her hair is great.

Yep. “We’re all embracing a stupid literalism now.” So fucking true. It’s really sad. Irony give me so much pleasure. But I guess the pleasure that people get in intentionally misunderstanding intentions and context so they can act morally superior for gold stars, or thumbs up or whatever, is more important. 

Right on! I tried to say this upthread but you said it much better. Thanks! 

I don’t think it’s a copout on this show. That’s the way people viewed sexuality in the 80s, so it’s appropriate for the show. Hopefully one of the characters themselves can rise above the societal pressure to choose gay or straight and own their bisexuality. But honestly, having grown up in that era, it would be a