
It makes total sense to me. I was a gay teenager in the 80s. Back then if someone said “I don’t know if I’m gay” and/or why do I have to define it” it likely meant they were uncomfortable with their sexuality and would dump you soon. That happened to me a few times before I came up with a rule not to date anyone who

Great question! We’re supposed to root for them just because they’re women or maybe because they’re going to run the business differently, more humanely, like in 9-to-5? Like, no more shooting people, no more heroin trafficking, healthcare for all the prostitutes ....

Haha. You’re one to talk about grammar. “There is tons of extremely bad executions of ...”

Great comment. I personally generally really enjoy the gender flip thing, but not when its presented with an empowerment message. For example, in Widows, I got the impression we were supposed to be rooting for the Widows and maybe thinking that what they’re doing is empowering, that they’re becoming strong,

Huh. That wasn’t my experience in the 90s, nor the experience of most of my friends. We really fucking struggled to find work and make money. In fact there were a TON of articles about how Gen X was fucked. I remember one headline “Bellboys with BAs” ... in previous generations, you went to college you got a “good

Agreed. Widows was the worst best-reviewed movie I’ve ever seen in my life. Stilted dialogue, zero character development, a plot that manages to be both self-serious and melodramatic. Wow. I can’t believe it got such great reviews.

YES! Claire was the best. Really great addition to the cast back in the day.

I DO NOT need to SEE that! 

Huh, I’ve known about the meta nature since it was announced.

I was just going to say that! She really disappears into the role. So good.

Well, I thought Widows was absolutely terrible, and I was hoping this would be better. More entertaining at least.

I think I liked Magnolia so much because I loved Julianne Moore so much. Still do! She can convey more emotion with a single expression than most actors can with an entire script full of dialogue.

Most everything is better than Eyes Wide Shut.

Yeah, it’s one of the worst best-reviewed movies I’ve ever seen.

And she doesn’t even look like Margot Robbie. I mean, she has long blonde hair and she’s really pretty, but not all pretty blondes look just alike. 

Is that what the writer is trying to say? That sentence is terrible. I mean he says “the first movie” then he says “after Captain Marvel” thus negating the “first movie” bit. I mean, it’s right there in the sentence! Dude. 

I’m excited for The Kitchen. It has to be better than Widows. Widows was the worst best-reviewed movie I’ve ever seen. So cliched, terrible dialogue, zero character development, overwrought performances.

Wow, these responses are so puritanical. Sex is fun. Everyone needs to loosen up and enjoy themselves.

Yep. I was really fucking surprised that some people were like, he never writes for black people (?) and his female characters are lacking in agency (???), two things a lot of his movies accomplish. 

This looks 1000 times better than Widows, the worst best-reviewed movie I have ever seen.