
I don’t doubt that Musk had immediate regrets when he made the legally binding 44b offer, and that if he really could have, he would have pulled out (first time for everything!).

I’ve said before, he was given 44 billion (ish, chump change regardless) by the Saudis to squash one of the leading communication networks that helped the Arab Spring, and hobbled what had been (along with all the bad crap) a really useful source of real-time information and communication for many underrepresented

The vast majority of them don’t have 4 wings that shoot lasers either. How many military aircraft are airworthy after having been submerged in a swamp for a week?

The artificial gravity takes care of the center of mass. It also creates sound in space and faster than light travel. Don’t you know science.

I love the design of the N-1 but I think it really only works as a Naboo ship. It looks pretty and dainty, perfect as part of a royal escort, but not as a true war figher.

That’s exactly what it is. X-Wing minus 1 engine/wing = Viper. Viper minus 1 engine/wing = E-Wing.

I think the A-Wing is a fantastic design but I personally feel like it’s only iconic when placed in context of the other fighters in the fleet. Specifically, I think it’s a great “sequel movie ship” along with the B-Wing: one’s smaller, sleeker, and faster than the X-Wing, the other’s bigger, weirder, and slower.

I love Cam Kennedy’s art on the Dark Empire series (like a grittier version of Joe Johnston’s designs) but the E-Wing design is super boring and symmetrical.

THE MUSIC! With the exception of the Avengers theme which got replayed a lot, it’s the only superhero movie score after Batman 89 that I can actually remember.

I stand corrected!

Most shows that were shot on film were shot widescreen, because most 35mm film is widescreen, which is why some older shows are able to be remastered on a wide aspect ratio.

Filoni has zero subtlety as a storyteller (all the more apparent in his live action work), so even if you don’t know everything that happened in Rebels, he’ll figure out a way of having the characters very slowly and deliberately tell you how they got where they are.

Genre writers/directors: We gotta come up with something original. Seven Samurai or Lone Wolf and Cub today?

It might be the anime that has the most individual drawn cels per running time? Seriously it uses a shockingly low amount of “held” cels for an anime, and I can’t think of another anime that approaches it (maybe Wings of Honneamise?). Even Ghibli movies are comparatively low-framerate (reserving the high FPS stuff for

So we just did this with our 4 and a half year old who was very excited to see Elemental. She has issues staying still and watching full movies at home, so we had prepared ourselves for the idea that we’ll just have to suck it up and leave if she gets too fidgety in the middle of the movie. We also had plenty of talks

As a compositor I think you hit the nail on the head; the part that makes keying such a pain is because the screen is underlit, contaminated with other colors, wrinkled, etc. It’s very frustrating because even if you think a scene looks good to the eye there’ll be weird imperfections that keep it from being a “set and

I love me Steve Ditko. Him and Spider-Man is to me probably the most perfect pairing of artist and character, frankly better to me than any of Kirby’s 60s Marvel work (yes, including Fantastic Four; I just think Kirby was stretched a little thin between all the books he was doing and it wasn’t until he got really

I was singing this song to myself earlier this week and I don’t know why, and now I have no choice but to start singing it again.

Makes sense, but that overlapping screen is still terrible. I’d rather not have it there at all.

I see empty space at the top of the front screen by the hinge, couldn’t they have just nudged the screen up there so the bottom doesn’t get eaten up by the lens?