
I agree, though I would still put Tie Fighter up higher than either. But it doesn’t matter, both games were, to me, better than Dark Forces; yes, it’s the first entry in the FPS genre, but let’s be honest, it’s kind of monotone and you’re pretty much just shooting stormtroopers in Imperial Hallways. It looks like just

You just made the four Hamburg commenters really mad. You could say they’re...

I agree. I wish they’d just acknowledged that the original Scott Pilgrim text was a shitty loser character that deserved to get buried in the past and let the losers who liked and identified with him unironically to rot along with their original copies (as you yourself called them, they’re angry white guys who hate

Favreau seems very inclined to hand the reins to Filoni, unfortunately. With Mandalorian, he seems to have very willingly and enthusiastically foregone his own personal style (which I would say is more adult, edgier, and funnier than Filoni, a la Iron Man and the first season of Mando) in favor of Filoni’s; he kind of

Hot take: Stevenson was... fine(?) in that role.

damn, you’re right

Edit: McKay pointed out the mistake.

I agree. It’s like Godzilla, or wrestling, or the Muppets; you don’t want too much high production value, and when you do add it, you don’t want it to overpower the core quality of stunts, props, puppets, prosthetics, and practical effects. Even if those qualities are a little cheesy. In fact, that’s part of its

Lol people are getting hung up on my hyperbole of wanting a place that defies the laws of Star Wars physics, when clearly my point is that Filoni et al made such a big deal of this place being so remote that only space whales and a giant ring made of Super Star Destroyer hyperdrives can get you there and that Thrawn

My main gripe about this specific stretch of the season is THEY WENT TO A BRAND NEW GALAXY. That should have been gigantically momentous.

There should be some type of cultural exchange where for every bus full of immigrants Texas of Florida sends to a liberal state, that liberal state sends a bus full of single, white, male liberals to a battleground state/city and pays for their minimal rent costs in exchange for carpetbagging their elections to get

My wife had the same exact reaction; she was mostly browsing her phone and would look up and ask what’s going on, and I had no answer for her cause the episode made zero sense and had zero laughs.

So last week’s episode of Futurama (the toys one) is above and beyond the worst episode of the series, right? I haven’t had such a baffled reaction to an episode of TV in a while.

Oh, definitely. The other thing I forgot to mention is that she’s almost certainly doing these remotely, maybe even in her own house while a director listens remotely from elsewhere. She’s definitely not in a room with other voice actors, and she’s probably not being directed by a particularly good voice director.

The transition from “Chosen One” takeoffs to “Lone Wolf and Cub” takeoffs has been very interesting... basically as the public’s taste for “male Mary Sue is destined to save the world and get the girl” has waned, male filmmakers have transitioned to pandering to guys’ fantasies of being simultaneously a violent

Because voice acting is totally different from regular acting. A regular actor, especially someone who got famous for being on TV or Film (where they are more often shot in intimate closeups), is a lot more subtle vocally, because a lot of their emotions are conveyed through really subtle facial cues.

Futurama is doing a slightly better than average job of having their characters age and develop (having the years move but also having a sci-fi excuse for why they don’t really visibly age is a good hack), but I’ve gotta admit Fry’s demeanor (really clingy good-guy vibes) towards Leela started really wearing thin I

Copyright is technically conferred whenever a work is completed; it was probably an independent production that was sold to a distributor before it was finished.

It is extremely stupid, devoid of value, and devastating to normal people.

Here’s the best explanation I read somewhere: