
I thought Multiverse of Madness was a genuinely fun, silly, crazy and incredibly entertaining piece of Marvel Movie madness. Pure comic book one-shot (considering the whole multiverse bullshit...) fun.

Money didn’t corrupt him. Money emboldened him. This is who he always was.

The lesson we all need to learn from this and NieR: Automata is that when somebody asks you, “Why is this character design horny?”, it’s perfectly acceptable to answer “Because I like it.”

The entire appeal of the series, since the beginning, was being live action. There have been countless team-based hero cartoons forever, but live action at this scale was unprecedented. And it was imitated with virtually no success as a result. Without live action I frankly don't know why people would care the same

Demolition Man was peak Sandra Bullock hotness.
That tight police uniform was *chef’s kiss*.
And her Taco Bell dress, oh my!

He gets a prominent media platform that can be used as an echo-chamber for right-wing agendas leading up to next year’s election. He will be able to use his influence to funnel money from politicians fitting his political agenda and hold sway over them if they win power next November.

I was thinking Moebius with a bit of Otomo mixed in for good measure.

I actually thought this would have been an excellent way to introduce the Ysalamiri. Thrawn finding them in this strange new galaxy and took a bunch of them with him. It would also serve a nice way as an obstacle for Ahsoka and the rest of the Force users. 

The dude is through and through a children’s show writer, and has, for reasons, been given the keys to the kingdom. It’s never going to get better, sadly.

in a couple of years, Chris Pine will be the same age William Shatner was when he filmed Star Trek: The Motion Picture. 

That toy episode was so awful I almost turned it off. It never redeemed itself. The show just seems to be getting worse and worse as the season progressed. It’s sad.

I’m a pretty forgiving Futurama fan. I think the Comedy Central seasons get way more hate than they generally deserve as most of them were all pretty decent.

Look, I’m as much an EU apologist as the next guy — and I unabashedly have a soft-spot for this book — but I acknowledge that it’s not a very good book.

My wife and I said the same thing. What the hell was that?

Now playing

If you have no knowledge of its history, you can enjoy it for its gross-out humor, gooey violence, and surprising heart. If you have seen the original, you can appreciate how Blair stripped everything problematic and bad out and kept its unique, memorable Troma tone, along with plenty of callbacks and easter eggs.

Directing voice actors can be challenging, especially when you’re working with actors who aren’t accustomed to voice acting. Additionally, if Fox has been out of the industry for a while, they might be a bit rusty. Guiding well-known actors who aren’t seasoned voice actors can be a demanding task. Professional voice

If you haven’t read Michael Piller’s Fade In, about the many, many, many travails of writing this movie and getting it to the screen, do yourself a favor and track it down (it’s unpublished, but easy to find online).

Junket press folks tend to be pretty positive in reaction, but maybe it is good. They kept the budget reasonable ($80 million), so the film doesn’t need to be a huge hit to be a solid success - $200 million at the box office would do it.

It’s probably halfway to Sakaar by now.