
Sorry but that sounds, at best, like an annoying fantasy/flashback interlude in a larger LOTR game. The kind that, if they’re lucky, adds some emotional weight, but almost always is just a no-stakes filler section (“Oh great another Gollum level”)

That could’ve been the case had people not realized (like they should by now) that Dominion was absolutely more interested in the money than any type of societal justice.

Remember how people were like “the Saudi investors are gonna come after Musk soon with all their money he’s flushing down the toilet.”

I literally was responding to a guy by saying not everything he liked in-office was liked by everyone else, is it really so hard to imagine the same about work from home?

Okay, I will engage with this once in good faith, because I do think there are people like you who genuinely do better in an in-person environment, and I DO think that despite the advances in teleconferencing technologies since the pandemic, the idea that zoom etc can completely supplement all the lost benefits of

Arnold was the best part of Dark Fate; his sense of humor, comedic timing, and humanity was actually really refreshing considering how otherwise humorless the rest of the movie is (which is unfortunate because like a lot of latter-day sequels, the plot and action has this weightless, tangled feeling where every scene

Not too cynical. Frankly I didn’t really understand the upside of companies doing this anyway. It’s good for consumers to have an extra access point for support, but it seemed like just a way for companies to expose themselves only to people complaining.

As others have said, yes, they do, if they have investors, which they almost certainly do.

Good to know it wasn’t the raging fandom, then.

Is it more accurate to assume your raging fandom temporarily clouded your reading and contextual comprehension or that you weren’t good at those to begin with?

That’s what Jonathan Hales was brought in for.

If you replaced all instances of “Paul” with “Anakin” and “Atreides” with “Skywalker,” you would not be able to convince me those lines weren’t from the 3rd draft of the Attack of the Clones screenplay.

Wow, this took literally everything that was good about Bumblebee (which I assumed this was a sequel to, since it’s somehow set in 1994?) and put the Bayhem back in.

Meanwhile Donald (no not that Donald) still hasn’t apologized for using the N-word in Who Framed Roger Rabbit...

Counterpoint: the more Star Wars is pushed away from “future Sci-Fi” and into “sword and sandals but the swords glow,” the less interested I am. Just me, personally, aesthetically, I like my Star Wars with that industrial technology feel, and a lot less fantasy magic stuff.

I’d like to remind everyone that high-end collectibles are a giant money laundering and tax evasion scam* and if at any point you read about some collectible in the news, 99.99999% chance you’ve already missed it and you’re gonna get rubed.

It was the opening scene of Jurassic Park the novel, repurposed for The Lost World movie. IIRC the novel even involved the girl having caught an infection from the reptile bite, which they speculated to be a basilisk lizard.

Isnt this the opening scene of Jurassic Park (the novel)?

The Rick Astley George Michael love child of your dreams

Pay a thousand tax experts a million dollars each to write the law up? Sounds cheap tbh.